Functions and Awards
- Co-Director, Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratories (NIRAL)
- Co-Director, Developmental Neuroimaging Laboratory within the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities
- Chair Image Processing Conference at SPIE Medical Imaging 2014-2017
- Chair Information Processing in Medical Imaging conference (IPMI) 2017
- Board member Information Processing in Medical Imaging conference
- Organizing commitee MICCAI 2005:
- Program committee MICCAI 2006, 2007, 2011 - 2013
- Program committee SPIE Medical Imaging 2009 - 2019
- Editorial Boards: Medical Image Analysis 2007 - 2019
- Session chairing at various conferences (MICCAI, IPMI, SPIE) as well as member of organization commitee at various workshop org
- Past NIH review sections: ETTN / EITN, F03B, ZRG1 SBIB-V
- Past Mentoring: 6 junior faculty, 13 postdoctoral fellows, 10 PhD students, 36 MS students, 7 Honors BS students, 38 BS/BA students