Uploading to the 715 Blog

A Wordpress blog site has been created for the homework reviews in this class. It is located at http://images.cs.unc.edu/comp715_2014. This site is only available to those in the class; you should have received email with the login and password to enter the site. Do not share this information with those outside the class.

Instructions follow for how to do various functions on the site. For clarity, the each assumes that you start on the home page, using the link above. There are other ways to do several of these steps, so you don't necessarily have to go back to the main home page in between.

Register (only once per semester)

Click the Register link under the Meta menu on the lower-right side of the page.

Put a Username and E-mail address that will send email to you in the dialog box, then click the Register button.

Open your email; Wordpress will have sent a message to that address telling you your username and password that you will use below.

Log in (every time you come to the site)

Click the Log in link under the Meta menu in the lower-right side of the page.

Using the user name and password that was emailed to you, fill in the form and click the Log in button.

Change your password, if you want to have one that is easier to remember than the automatically-generated one.

Uploading a homework assignment

After you have logged in, there will be a Site Admin link in the Meta menu on the lower-right side of the page. Click on that link.

Click on the Posts link on the left side of the page. Click on the Add New link under Posts.

In the Enter title here box, add the team number (your name for the first homework).

In the Categories control box, check the appropriate HW (HW0 for homework 0).

Next to Visibility wihin the Publish section, click on the Edit link. Select Private for this posting, then click the Okay button. This will prevent others from viewing your post until after the homework deadline. I will go through and make all of the posts public once the homework deadline has passed.

The image you upload should be in PNG format and it should be at a resolution of 1280x1024 pixels. To write such an image from ParaView, click File/Save Screenshot. In the Select resolution for the image to save section of the dialog box that appears, enter 1280 and 1024. Leave the other settings the same and click OK. Select a location and name for the file, leaving the File of type set to PNG image. Press OK to save the image.

Click the Add Media button. Select the image that you saved from your visualization program and upload it (you may need to re-enter the main site username and password I emailed you to finish the uploading). In the resulting dialog box, make the Caption be the names of the teammates. Leave the description blank. Set the Alignment to None and the Size to Medium. Then click Insert into post.

The image should now appear inside a frame in the editing window. Below this box, place your description of the image.

Once you have finished entering your description, press the Publish or Update Post or Update button (whichever is shown) to have the post be uploaded to the site.

Reviewing other homeworks

Once the homework postings have been made public, you will be able to see them and comment on them. You see them by clicking on the appropriate category using the links under Categories in the right-hand side of the page. Click on the link appropriate to the homework, HW0 for homework zero.

To view the image associated with each posting, click on the title of the posting. This will bring up a page with the image and description shown for that posting.

To submit your review, use the Comment box under the Leave a Reply section. Enter your review of the posting with the following format (adding comments or scores after the colons):

When you have finished entering your comments, press the Post Comment button at the bottom of the page. You may want to edit your comments in an external text editor and then paste them in; once you have posted a comment, you cannot edit it. If you find that you need to change it, then Reply to the comment you made earlier with an updated version.

Make sure that you go to all of the postings within the category to leave comments; there may be more than one page of them.