Most everyone says that the best starting point for learning tcl is john ousterhout's "tcl and the tk toolkit". ---------- The two programs in this directory show how tcl/tk can be interfaced with C. The basic program is very simple and explains how to make and display a simple control panel. The complex program displays multiple control panels, links variables, and uses callbacks (c func which defines a new tcl proc). Most of this functionality is wrapped up in the widget library I have implemented in ~/Src/Lib/Widget -- but this is a good reference. ---------- I downloaded tcl/tk 8.0 from -- there are lots of docs there on the packages. I also installed SpecTcl v1.1 in /usr/local/contrib/mod/common/src/specTcl1.1 and provided soft links to specTcl and specJava in common/bin. SpecTcl is a gui designer for Tcl/tk. ---------- To compile the .tcl files into your C program, just put them in a string and call eval on the string (include them as .h files). ---------- For tcl/tk examples, the best thing is the "tk widget tour" on the pc. it has widgets plus code snippets. on a pc, check in the start menu under tcl, or open up C:\Programs\TCL\lib\tk8.0\demos\widget.tcl Or in unix-land, check /usr/local/contrib/mod/common/lib/tk8.0/demos/widget ---------- when linking, remember to include -ltk before -ltcl (tk uses tcl calls) ---------- weberh 2/4/98