Water System

Water hose to block Water pump to block; See image below  
Grommet where H2O pipe goes thru RF wheel well wall. Arrow points to the temp sensor in place in the water fill tank. Detail of  connection to can. Breather?
Water fill tank to read of block; Note the hose that connects the breather pipe to the overflow (rusty thing with 5 holes in the lower right). Hose routing.  This is just out of view in the image to the left.. Hose routing into overflow.  This is right of the image to the left.

H2O system that runs on R side of car.  Starting at the read--the water tank. Next section.  Tags may show where the firewall and dash wall transitions are. next section.  The last section is on images that are are film and not yet developed 11/28.  This attaches to the top connection on the radiator which is on the short side at the top.
