Version:  March 30,2009

Loco5-Part 2:  Post-VE Experience Questionnaire

(To be completed after the experiment)

Please enter answers to the following questions . 

SECTION I. In the next series of questions, you will describe your background as it relates to this experiment. Questions 14 to 16 are asked so that we can describe the diversity of our participants in our reports to our funding agency, the National Institutes of Health.
1.  Did you participate in a VE study in the summer of 2004?
(In that study you would have moved between barriers deactivating bombs as you went.)
 Yes  No  

3.  Are you:

 Male  Female  I prefer not to answer  
4.  Are you of Hispanic or Latino descent?
 Yes  No  I prefer not to answer  
5.  Race/ethnicity: (select the ONE option that fits you best)
 American Indian or Alaskan Native
 Asian (includes Philippine Islanders)
 Black or African-American
 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
 More than one race
 Unknown or prefer not to answer
6.  Which eye is your dominant eye? If you do not know which eye is dominant, please ask the experimenter how to determine it.
 Left eye  Right eye  
7.  Over the past two years, what is the most you have played video games in a single week? Select one:
 Less than 1 hour
 1 - 2 hours
 2 - 5 hours
 5 - 10 hours
 10 - 20 hours
 20 - 40 hours
 40 or more hours
8.  In what percent of your computer game-playing do you use a gamepad or joystick to move around in the environment? Select one:
 0% (Never)  20%  40%  60%  80% 100%(Always)
9  How many times have you experienced a virtual environment using a head-mounted display or a CAVE-like system? Select one:
 0 (Never)  1  2  3  4  5  6 (or more) times  
10  When was the last time you experienced a virtual environment using a head-mounted display or CAVE-like system? Select one:
 This week
 Within the last month
 Between 1 month and a year
 More than a year ago

SECTION II.  Please tell us what you thought of the locomotion technique that you used.  You might want to comment on whether it was easy or hard to learn, easy or hard to start or stop, or anything you noticed that was particularly like, or unlike, really walking.

(Big box to write in.)