**************************************************************** sl2sl: converts one streaming line format to another. It is in particular useful to create tilings of lines and produce KML files that can be displayed in google earth. **************************************************************** example usage: >> sl2sl -i ../data/lidar_band10.slb -osla | more converts from our Streaming Line Binary (SLB) format to our Streaming Line Ascii (SLA) format and pipes the result to the command line where the 'more' command allows you to look at the contents of the header and the file. >> sl2sl -i ../data/gilmer_e500_n4310.slb if called without any other arguments it will simply read the entire file and compute and output the number of vertices and lines and the extent of the bounding box >> sl2sl -i ../data/gilmer_e500_n4310.slb -o ../data/gilmer_e500_n4310.kml -utm 17T -ellipsoid 23 converts from our Streaming Line Binary (SLB) format to Google Earth' KML format. because the lines need to be converted into longitude latitude representation we need to specify the projection that the lines are currently in. in this example they are in utm zone 17T and use the WGS-84 ellipsoid >> sl2sl -i ../data/gilmer_e500_n4310.slb -ellipsoid -1 prints a list of all supported ellipsoids >> sl2sl -i ../data/PIE_0015.slb -o ../data/PIE_0015.kml -stateplane83 MA_M converts from our Streaming Line Binary (SLB) format to Google Earth' KML format. the projection is specified as the NAD83 datum, Massachusetts State Plane Mainland Zone coordinate system. >> sl2sl -i ../data/gilmer_e500_n4310.slb -okml -utm 17T -ellipsoid 23 -tiling_nlls "../data/gilmer" 500000 4310000 200 creates a tiling in KML format that starts at the lower left coordinate 500000 4310000 with a tile size of 200. note that in order to this work correctly you should use an absolute path (i.e. "c:/lidar/data/gilmer" instead of "../data/gilmer"). >> sl2sl -i ../data/gilmer_e500_n4310.slb -okml -utm 17T -ellipsoid 23 -tiling_nllsxy "../data/gilmer" 500000 4310000 200 2 3 same as last command but creates only a tiling that is 2 tiles in x and 3 tiles in y direction. >> sl2sl -i ../data/gilmer_e500_n4310.slb -okml -utm 17T -ellipsoid 23 -tiling_ns "../data/gilmer" 500 creates a tiling in KML format that starts with the minima of the bounding box of the *.slb file as the lower left coordinate and uses a tile size of 500. again ... in order to this work correctly you should use an absolute path (i.e. "c:/lidar/data/gilmer" instead of "../data/gilmer"). other options are: -lcc, -lambert, -lambert_conic_conformal: specify an LCC projection -tm, -traverse, -traverse_mercator: specify a TM projection -survey_feet, -survey_foot, -surveyfeet, -surveyfoot, -surveyft, -sft: horizontal coordinates are in survey feet -feet, -foot, -ft: horizontal coordinates are in feet -meter, -met, -m: horizontal coordinates are in meter (default) -elevation_feet, -elevation_foot, -elevation_ft, -elev_feet, -elev_foot, -elev_ft: elevation is in feet -elevation_meters, -elevation_meter, -elevation_m, -elev_meters, -elev_meter, -elev_m: elevation is in meter (default) -elevation_offset , -elev_offset : add an elevation offset in meters for more info: >> sl2sl -h usage: sl2sl -i in.slb -osla | more sl2sl -i in.sla -o out.slb sl2sl -i in.slb -opoly > out.poly sl2sl -ipoly -oslb -compact < in.poly > out.poly sl2sl -i in.slb -o out.kml -utm_zone 17S -ellipsoid 23 sl2sl -i in.slb -o out.kml -lambert_conic_conformal 609601.22 0.0 meter 33.75 -79 34.33333 36.16666 -ellipsoid 11 sl2sl -i in.slb -o out.kml -lcc 1640416.666667 0.0 survey_feet 47.000000 -120.833333 47.50 48.733333 -ellipsoid 6 -survey_feet -elevation_feet sl2sl -i in.slb -o out.kml -utm_zone 16T -ellipsoid 23 -tiling_nllsxy "data/tiles" 500000 4300000 1000 5 5 sl2sl -i in.slb -o out.kml -utm_zone 16T -ellipsoid 23 -tiling_nlls "data/tiles" 500000 4300000 1000 sl2sl -i in.slb -o out.kml -stateplane83 MA_M -tiling_nxy "data/tiles" 5 5 sl2sl -i in.slb -o out.kml -utm_zone 11S -ellipsoid 11 -tiling_ns "data/tiles" 1000 -- more info for some flags -lambert_conic_conformal [meter|feet|surveryfeet] <1stStdParallel> <2ndStdParallel> -traverse_mercator [meter|feet|surveryfeet] -stateplane83 IA_N -stateplane27 IA_S -tiling_nllsxy --------------- if you find bugs let me (isenburg@cs.unc.edu) know.