
0. Complete the Prerequisites

Before continuing on, make sure you’re claimed the computer scientist you’d like to write your report and present on by writing their name and yours on a slide in our collaborative Google Slides presentation. You can find the slide deck pinned on Piazza or here.

1. The Report

Your task is to write a one-page report about a notable computer scientist that is part of a historically underrepresented community in computer science and technology in the United States. More details about what this means can be found in our department’s statement on diversity, equity and inclusion.. In particular, make sure to read the footnotes for extra clarification.

2. Requirements

The report must be:

You may need to create an Overleaf account. Please send me an email or post on Piazza if you run into any issues. The template shows an example of how to add citations and subsections.

2. Submit to Gradescope for Grading

All that’s left now is to hand-in your work on Gradescope for grading. Download/export the PDF from Overleaf, and upload it to the Report assignment on Gradescope.