Learning Dense Correspondence via 3D-guided Cycle Consistency

Paper: CVPR 2016 (Oral)

Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.05383



  1. feature encoder of 8 convolution layers that extracts relevant features from both input images with shared network weights;
  2. flow decoder of 9 fractionallystrided/up-sampling convolution (uconv) layers that assembles features from both input images, and outputs a dense flow field;
  3. matchability decoder of 9 uconv layers that assembles features from both input images, and outputs a probability map indicating whether each pixel in the source image has a correspondence in the target.


Training set

Network training


embedding layout appears to be viewpoint-sensitive (might implicitly learn that viewpoint is an important cue for correspondence/matchability tasks through our consistency training.)

Keypoint transfer task

Evaluate the quality ofcorrespondence output

Matchability prediction

Shape-to-image segmentation transfer