Package PMIDI :: Module Composer
[show private | hide private]
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Module PMIDI.Composer

CommandFactory Factory class that generates MIDI commands from simple values.
Drums Class that acts as a set of drums.
Instrument Class that represents a single, melodic instrument.
Measure Class that represents a single measure for a voice.
Note Class that represents a single note in a measure.
Sequencer Class the encapsulates the functions necessary to generate and play short MIDI sequences.
Song Class that wraps the dirty details of creating and sequencing MIDI instructions in order to play a song.
Voice Class that represents a single voice in a song.

Function Summary
Example code that plays an embellished scale.

Function Details


Example code that plays an embellished scale.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Tue Feb 22 16:24:34 2005