Comp 750 Rubric

(Subject to change)

GRADING: The breakup of grades is tentatively set as follows
Class Participation: This class will be far more enjoyable for everyone if all students come to class ready and willing to discuss the material to be covered. I plan to reward those who participate in class by increasing their final grade by up to half a letter grade. I also reserve the right to add a similar negative "reward" to those who routinely come to class late, read the newspaper or sleep in class, etc.

Homework Assignments: Homework assignments will be given approximately every two weeks. Students can expect most home-work assignments to be rather time-consuming. Students are encouraged to work together on the problem sets. Note that this says work together -- copying homework solutions from another student will be considered cheating and dealt with accordingly. A more comprehensive statement on allowable collaboration appears in the Comp 750 Honor Code statement. Homework assignments are due in class on the due date given. No late homeworks will be accepted.