package lectures.animation.threads_commands;
import util.annotations.WebDocuments;

import util.annotations.Visible;
import lectures.animation.threads_commands.extra.ThreadSupport;
import lectures.composite.objects_shapes.PlottedShuttle;
import bus.uigen.OEFrame;
 * This is the class that does the actual animation and prints the Thread objects.
 * Put a break point at the println() in animateFromOrigin that prints the
 * Thread object. Then debug-run the main method in ConcurrentShuttleLaunchAnimation.
 * After the breakpoint is hit, follow the instructions at the bottom of this class.
@WebDocuments({"Lectures/AnimationThreadsCommands.pptx", "Lectures/AnimationThreadsCommands.pdf", "Videos/AnimationThreadsCommands.avi"})
public class AShuttleAnimator implements ShuttleAnimator {  
    public void animateFromOrigin(PlottedShuttle shuttle, int animationStep, int animationPauseTime) {  
         * Put a break point below
        System.out.println (
                " entered animateFromOrigin in:" +

        int originalX = shuttle.getShuttleX(); 
        int originalY = shuttle.getShuttleY();  
        System.out.println (Thread.currentThread() + " saved X = " + originalX + " Y = " + originalY);
        int curX = 0;
        int curY = 0;
        animateYFromOrigin(shuttle, animationStep, animationPauseTime, curY, originalY);
        animateXFromOrigin(shuttle, animationStep, animationPauseTime, curX, originalX);
    protected void animateYFromOrigin(PlottedShuttle shuttle, int animationStep, int animationPauseTime, int startY, int endY) {    
        System.out.println (
                " started animating in Y Direction in:" +
        // make sure we don�t go past final Y position
        while (startY < endY) {
            startY += animationStep;
        // move to destination Y position
        System.out.println (
                " finished animating in Y Direction in:" +

    protected void animateXFromOrigin(PlottedShuttle shuttle, int animationStep, int animationPauseTime, int startX, int endX) {
        System.out.println (
                " started animating in X Direction in:" +
        while (startX < endX) {
            startX += animationStep;
        System.out.println (
                " finished animating in X Direction in:" +
    public String toString() {
        return getClass().getSimpleName() + "@" + hashCode();
 * When the breakpoint is hit, look carefully at the Debug window showing stack information.
 * You will see that the window is partitioned by Threads in a tree window.
 * That is, the debug window shows a tree of Thread objects, and some of these
 * objects can be expanded or collapsed to show stacks. 
 * So far, we have assumed there is only one stack of method calls. 
 * In fact, there is a stack per thread. 
 * This means that each method call is associated with some thread. When a method is
 * called, it can print out the associated thread by printing out Thread.currentThread(),
 * as we see above.
 * The main method is associated with a special thread, called the main thread.
 * We can have other threads, which do not have the main method.
 * These other threads are created by main. Once created they run independently
 * of the main thread. That is, they  make method calls independently,
 * possibly at the same time (if we have multiple cores/CPUs).
 * This is much like a parent creating children who can execute independently.
 * The child threads can continue execution even after the main method has finished.
 * A new Thread object must be created for each child thread.
 * This means that the base call in a child thread is not main(). Instead it is the
 * run method of the Thread object.
 * In our example, it means that the method concurrentShuttleAnimation in the
 * main class does not call the animating code in this class directly.
 * Instead, the code creates and starts two new threads, which execute the
 * two animations concurrently. 
 * Examine the debug window carefully.
 * Not all stacks can be expanded. Only stacks with method calls that have stopped
 * at a break point can be expanded.
 * Look at the expandable stacks, both when serialShuttleAnimation executes
 * and concurrentShuttleAnimation executes.
 * Also look at the method call at the base (bottom) of each stack and trace
 * the calls from this method to the call to the stopped method.
 * Select the stopped method call in one of the stopped threads and resume and see
 * the effect on the ObjectEditor window (make sure the debug window and 
 * object editor windows can be viewed at the same time).
 * If the break point is hit again, go through this process again.
 * The main method prints the message "Main terminates" just before it terminates.
 * Search for this output in the console during the serial and concurrent executions.
 * During serial animation, the number of stopped ("suspended") threads shown in the
 * debug window is:
 *  0
 *  1
 *  2
 *  3
 * (T/F) During serial animation, Thread[main] is one of the current threads.
 * (T/F) During serial animation, Thread[main] is one of the stopped threads.
 * (T/F) During serial animation, Thread[Shuttle Animation 1] is one of the current threads.
 * (T/F) During serial animation, Thread[Shuttle Animation 2] is one of the current threads.
 * (T/F) During serial animation, Thread[Shuttle Animation 1] is one of the stopped threads.
 * (T/F) During serial animation, Thread[Shuttle Animation 2] is one of the stopped threads.
 * (T/F) During serial animation, the base (bottom) of one of the stacks is 
 * the main() method.
 * (T/F) During serial animation, the base (bottom) of one of the stacks is 
 * the method.
 * (T/F) During serial animation, serialShuttleAnimation() is one of the called
 * methods in a stack.
 * (T/F) During serial animation, the stopped animateFromOrigin() method is called by
 * (T/F) During serial animation, is called by
 * (T/F) During serial animation, the message "Main terminates" is the last output
 * in the console.
 * During concurrent execution, the number of stopped ("suspended") threads shown in 
 * the debug window is:
 *  0
 *  1
 *  2
 *  3
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, Thread[main] is one of the current threads.
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, Thread[main] is one of the stopped threads.
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, Thread[Shuttle Animation 1] is one of the current threads.
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, Thread[Shuttle Animation 2] is one of the current threads.
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, Thread[Shuttle Animation 1] is one of the stopped threads.
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, Thread[Shuttle Animation 2] is one of the stopped threads.
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, the base (bottom) of one of the stacks is 
 * the main() method.
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, the base (bottom) of one of the stacks is 
 * the method.
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, serialShuttleAnimation() is one of the called
 * methods in a stack.
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, concurrentShuttleAnimation() is one of the called
 * methods in a stack.
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, the program has to be resumed twice to finish
 * the animation.
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, the stopped animateFromOrigin method is called by
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, is called by
 * (T/F) During concurrent animation, the message "main terminates" is the last output
 * in the console.
 * (T/F) Other threads in a program can continue to execute after the main method
 * and thread of the program terminates.
 * Study the code in this class and step over the println if necessary:
 * (T/F) The class AShuttleAnimator implements separate methods to animate the shuttle
 * in the X and Y directions.
 * Go back to ConcurrentShuttleLaunchAnimation, to the COMMAND OBJECTS section. 