package lectures.exceptions;
import util.annotations.WebDocuments;


 * We see here several new features including two exception operations, 
 * and instantiation and use of an exception defined by us.
 * Consider the comments in main() and numberOfInputLines and answer the questions.
 * Go to {@link AMissingArgumentException} after that
@WebDocuments({"Lectures/Exceptions.pptx", "Lectures/Exceptions.pdf", "Videos/Exceptions.avi"})
public class LinesReaderAndPrinterUsingProgrammerDefinedException {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        try {
         * Comment this out when asked
        catch (AMissingArgumentException e) {
        catch (IOException e) {
         * Uncomment this when asked
//      catch (AMissingArgumentException e) {
//          System.out.println(e.getMessage());
//          e.printStackTrace();
//      }

    static BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(

    public static void echoLines(int numberOfInputLines) throws IOException {
        for (int inputNum = 0; inputNum < numberOfInputLines; inputNum++) {
    public static int numberOfInputLines(String[] args)
         * comment this out to see if it is checked on unchecked
            throws AMissingArgumentException
        try {
            return Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
             * First uncomment the commented statement below.
             * Then comment out the throw statement.
             * Then return the statements to their original states.
            throw new AMissingArgumentException("First argument missing");
//          return -1;// error code
 * Run the program without supplying an argument and look at the output.
 * Which stack trace is printed:
 * (a) the one at the point the exception is thrown (in numberOfInputLines) - 
 * this would mean numberOfInputLines is the top element of the stack.
 * (b) the one at the point the exception is caught in main - this would mean main
 * is the top element of the stack.
 * Comment out the throws clause in numberOfInputLines.
 * Do you get an error?
 * (T/F) AMissingArgumentException is a checked exception.
 * (T/F) A subclass of a checked exception is also a checked exception.
 * Uncomment the throws clause
 * Look at the catch block in numberOfInputLines.
 * (T/F) It is possible for programmers to create and throw Exception objects.
 * (T/F) It is possible for a method that catches a certain kind of exception to
 * throw another kind of exception to its caller.
 * (T/F) It is possible for a method that catches an unchecked exception to throw
 * a checked exception to its caller.
 * Follow the commenting and un-commenting instructions in the catch block of
 * numberOfInputLines.
 * (T/F) It makes sense to execute a statement after an exception is thrown.
 * Go to AMissingArgumentException and answer the question in it and return back.
 * Comment out the first catch block in main and debug-run the program with no break point. 
 * Put breakpoint in the numberOfInputLines() try block.
 * Debug-Run the program and follow the control flow using F6 (step over). 
 * (T/F) A catch block can handle exceptions of multiple types.
 * (T/F) A catch block that is declared to handle an exception of type T1 can handle
 * an exception of type T2, if T2 IS-A T1.
 * Remove the comments around the third catch block. What happens?
 * (T/F) When an exception is thrown in some try block, then it is caught by the
 * first catch block that can handle it regardless of the exact type of the parameter. 
 * Next class: IntraMethodPropagation