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Refining and Extending our Modeling

Our methodology strongly relies on non-parametric modeling. Parametric models are far more compact and can often provide deeper insights than non-parametric ones. However, their use has little to do with the quality of synthetic traffic. A non-parametric model can result in traffic as realistic or more than a parametric model, without the risk of oversimplification. In any case, our a-b-t connection vectors offer a good foundation for building a parametric model of Internet traffic mixes. Our analysis of the relationship between ADU sizes and numbers of epochs in Section 3.5.1 uncovered substantial complexity and a striking lack of consistency among the different links considered in our study. Techniques like Hidden Markov Modeling could perhaps provide the right approach.

Our own related work explored the possibility of attacking this complex modeling problem by decomposing traffic mixes in to a set of fundamental pattern of communication [HCNSJ05]. The idea was to use statistical clustering to find applications that behave in a similar manner, i.e., that follow the same ``communication pattern'', and to separately model each of the identified traffic clusters. For example, interactive applications such as telnet and SSH are very different from file-sharing applications such as Kazaa or Gnutella, so it seems much easier to develop separate models for ``interactive applications'' and ``file-sharing applications'' than a single model to encompass both of them. In our exploratory study, we followed a two step process to find traffic clusters. First, we computed a vector of features for each connection, which included statistics such as the median size of the ADUs in the connection, a measure of the directionality of the data exchanges, and the correlation between the sizes of a-type and b-type ADUs. Feature vectors provide a way to compare connections, even if their a-b-t connection vectors have very different forms, and use a distance metric to quantify the similarity between the source behaviors in two connections. Second, we used a hierarchical clustering algorithm to construct a taxonomy of traffic classes based on the similarity among connections. The results of our analysis demonstrated that some clear and intuitive traffic clusters emerged when this procedure was applied to sets of connection vectors derived from real traces. We believe this type of approach can simplify the modeling of traffic mixes. Furthermore, it can also provide a more flexible way of resampling traces, where the fraction of connection vectors from each of the traffic clusters can be changed at will (e.g., increasing of decreasing the fraction of file-sharing-like traffic).

There are other open questions in the modeling of Internet traffic mixes, and their solution is complicated by the need to devise better measurement methods. We can cite the following examples:

These three problems are unlikely to have straightforward solutions. We also believe that their impact on the quality of synthetic traffic is small, or even insignificant, in empirical studies focusing on large traffic aggregates.

A final question is how to combine source-level modeling and unwanted traffic modeling. Our analysis in Section 4.2.1 showed the need to carefully separate connections with regular data exchanges, for which the a-b-t model is applicable, and other types of connections (i.e., failed connection establishments attempts, port and network scans, etc.). While our filtering for regular connections removed only a tiny fraction of the bytes in the traces, the number of individual connections was very large, which may be detrimental for certain studies. In addition, we did not consider how to generate malicious traffic. Our literature review discussed some relevant efforts on this topic. However, they tend to be open-loop. Since malicious traffic can have dramatic effect on the network conditions, understanding its impact on source behavior seems critical. We know of no study that considered this question.

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Doctoral Dissertation: Generation and Validation of Empirically-Derived TCP Application Workloads
© 2006 Félix Hernández-Campos