Kurtis and Joni were married before a large crowd of family and friends in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Our wedding was a tropical-themed party that we hoped would make it fun and memorable for all.
Below is Joni preparing to walk outside to our balcony wedding by the pool.
Below are the two anxious ones, ready to get married!
Joni's maid of honor is her great friend, Jennifer Garrison; Jennifer's daddy Pastor David Garrison who performed the ceremony! Kurtis's best man is his long-time best friend, his dad, Robert Keller. As you can see by the pictures below, it was all pretty exciting, and fun. The picture to the right is the wedding party giggling after Kurtis flubbed his lines!
Happiness just bubbling... J
And what would be a wedding without our wonderful guests:
Click here to continue on to the next page, the Party =>
Just one more! Beautiful Joni just before the ceremony: