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Gaussian Elimination (GE)

The strategy of GE is to reduce a problem that we can't solve (a full linear system) to one that we can (a triangular system), using elementary row operations. There are n-1 stages, begining with , , and finishing with the upper triangular system .

At the kth stage we have converted the original system to , where

with upper triangular. The purpose of the kth stage of the elimination is to zero the elements below the diagonal in the kth column of . This is accomplished by the operations

where the multipliers . At the end of the st stage we have the upper triangular system , which is solved by back substitution. For an matrix, GE requires flops.

There are two problems with the method described above. They are:

  1. There is a breakdown with division by zero if .
  2. If we are working in finite precision and some multipier is large, then there is a possible loss of significance: in the subtraction , low-order digits of could be lost. Losing these digits could correspond to making a relatively large change to the original matrix . The simplest example of this phenomenan is for the matrix:

    In this case, , and , if (machine-precision), which would be the exact answer if we changed from 1 to 0. In this case, the matrix is very well conditioned. The problem, of course, is with the choice of as the pivot.

This problem can be solved by use of partial or complete pivoting. In partial pivoting, at the start of the kth stage, the kth and rth rows are interchanged, where

Partial pivoting ensures that the multipliers are nicely bounded:

A more expensive pivoting strategy, which interchanges both rows and columns is complete pivoting. At the start of the kth stage, rows k and r and columns k and s are inter-changed, where

This requires comparisons in total, compared with for partial pivoting. Because of the searching overhead, and because partial pivoting works so well, complete pivoting is rarely used in practice.

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Dinesh Manocha
Thu Jan 29 05:58:31 EST 1998