Denotational Semantics

Example: language with function calls

Now we complicate things even more...

Syntactic Categories

  I in Ident  (identifiers)
  L in Lexp   (l-expressions, or references)
  E in Exp    (expressions, commands)
  P in Prog   (full programs)
Syntax BNF
   L  ::=  I
   E  ::=  0 | 1 | I | !L | E1; E2 | (E1 + E2) 
        |  let I = E1 in E2 end
        |  new I := E1 in E2 end
        |  L := E
        |  if E1 then E2 else E3
        |  while E1 do E2
        |  function I1 (I2) = E1 in E2 end
        |  call I (E)
   P  ::=  program (I) ; E end .
Value Domains
       n in Int = { ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ... }         (integers)
   alpha in Loc                                         (no structure details...)
   sigma in States = Loc --> Int U {unused}             (states, of memory)
       f in Func = States --> Int --> (Int * States)
     rho in Env = Ident --> Int U Loc U Func U {undef}
Semantic Functions
   LL : Lexp --> Env --> States --> Loc
   MM : Exp --> Env --> States --> (Int * States)
   PP : Prog --> Int --> Int 
Semantic Equations
   (* include all from previous example   *)
   (* plus these new ones                 *)

   MM [ function I1 (I2) = E1 in E2 end ] rho sigma =
     let f sigma' n = MM [E1] rho[I2 |-> n] sigma' 
     in  MM [E2] rho[I1 |-> f] sigma

   (* environment for function eval is bound at definition time *)

   MM [ call I (E) ] rho sigma =
     let (n,sigma') = MM [E] rho sigma
         f = rho(I)
     in  f sigma' n