Internet Technologies Teaching Lab

The Department of Computer Science and the School of Information and Library Science came together to create a set of undergraduate and graduate courses on the use of the Internet and its underlying technologies. The courses span a range of subjects from basic Internet and World Wide Web literacy to high-speed networking, the Integrated Services Architecture for the Internet, and the next generation of Internet protocols.

The Internet Technologies Teaching Lab was created to support this new set of courses. A distributed lab located in both the Department of Computer Science and the School of Information and Library Science, this lab is connected via the UNC campus switched-FDDI backbone and shares a common file space. The Intel Technology for Education 2000 program provided forty single-user personal computers, four file and compute servers, and sufficient fast Ethernet switching capacity for these machines.

Together, the two facilities known as the Internet Technologies Teaching Lab support the teaching activities of approximately 9 faculty and 150 students annually. The lab is used primarily for class-related project work but is also employed for hands-on demonstrations of systems such as the World Wide Web, multimedia authoring systems, the MBONE multicast backbone and its affiliated conferencing applications, and more general groupware and CSCW tools, such as group authoring and drawing tools.

Lab at the School of Information & Library Science

Last content review: 19 July 2001
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