

| tags: home

I replaced the stock units with these programmable models.



| tags: home

Contractors who have done a good job for us.


More thinking about web-based maps

| tags: maps, ideas, enabling technology

Sitterson Level 3 floorplan Americo studied the floorplans for Sitterson and verified them by examination while producing a description of each place in the building. I built a simple prototype web server but I’m unsatisfied with its dependence on coordinates and the resulting difficulty of sorting the links in hallways into a reasonable order.


Web-based maps

| tags: maps, ideas, enabling technology

I got an email and phone call from Rachel Magario, a blind geography graduate student at the University of Kansas. She is interested in maps for people who are blind and is specifically interested in making an accessible map of her campus. She wants something like BATS embedded in the browser. I explained to her how hard that would be with the poor support for sound and non-existent support for tactile feedback in browsers.


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