I'd like to make a web application that will enable teachers to create simple "books" with hot spots on each page. The hot spots might play a sound or do some other action like changing to another page. Really simple stuff.
Karen suggests it might be useful to develop VR scenarios to help kids become accustomed to normally stressful audio over stimulation without the added social burden of having to deal with people at the same time. For example, many kids can't go to the movie theater because the THX sound thing at the beginning overwhelms them. If they could experience that THX sound in a controlled environment with gradually increasing volume it might not be so bad when it happened at the theater.
Another neat idea from Karen. There have been some news stories about a
DVD that helps kids with autism learn to read faces and emotions
. It would be cool to do a version which allows folks to upload their own pictures and which presents the faces in an interactive web site.
Michael sent email saying
What Autistic girls are made of
by Emily Bazelon is an interesting read.
By Philip E. Ross