The projects funded by the Technology for Education 2000 program fall into six areas of computer science research and one program in the UNC School of Education:


Computer Graphics

Since its inception in 1964, the UNC Department of Computer Science has placed considerable emphasis on computer graphics research, and UNC is now considered a leader in this field. The computer graphics projects receiving equipment donations from Intel represent three sub-areas of our graphics research:

Modeling, Interactive Display, and Virtual Prototyping

Ultra High-Resolution, Large-Area, Tiled Displays

Hardware and Software for Image-Based Rendering


3D Medical Imaging
The Medical Image Display & Analysis Group (MIDAG) is in its 25th year of collaborative research aimed at solving clinical problems. MIDAG is made up of approximately eighty faculty, staff, and graduate students across twelve UNC departments and collaborators at Duke University and elsewhere. Most MIDAG members come from the Department of Computer Science and three clinical departments in the School of Medicine: Radiology, Radiation Oncology, and Surgery. MIDAG is recognized internationally for its decades of leading contributions in the areas of segmentation and registration of medical images and interactive 3D display. Major support for MIDAG research comes from NIH-National Cancer Institute, but equipment donated by Intel's Technology for Education Program is being used in two projects that deal with the planning and delivery of surgery and radiotherapy for the treatment of cancer:

Endovascular Embolization of Cranial Tumors

External Beam Treatment of Tumors by Radiotherapy


Multimedia Networking
Multimedia networking research at UNC-CH works toward the realization of real-time communication services on the Internet for applications such as collaborative work, distance learning, and distributed virtual environments. Intel-based computers obtained through the Technology for Education 2000 program are supporting this work in a variety of ways.


Molecular Modeling
In 1970, as an application area for our work in computer graphics, we began a major effort in molecular modeling, with collaborators from the Departments of Biochemistry at UNC and at Duke University. This has been a continuing and fruitful area of research for more than 25 years, and some of the original collaborators are still working together. For 22 years, the University has been one of the two National Research Resources for Molecular Graphics. Research in two challenging areas of molecular modeling is being facilitated by Intel support.

Computer Simulation Studies of Structure, Dynamics, and Interactions of Proteins

The nanoManipulator, a tool to facilitate the manipulation of surfaces at the atomic scale


New Laboratories

Laboratories in which computer science students can get hands-on experience with hardware and software technology foster a learning experience that is much more meaningful than classroom instruction alone. Our past experiences, with the creation of the Microelectronic Systems Lab, have also shown us that a lab can encourage and support the design and construction of prototype systems whose use goes far beyond the boundaries of this department. This has played an important role in collaborative research both on and off the UNC campus, and some systems have been sold commercially by licensees to industry. Two new laboratories were established with assistance from the Intel Technology for Education 2000 program. In both labs, it is our intention to expand our strength in research into formal instruction:

Hardware Systems Teaching Laboratory

Internet Technologies Teaching Lab



LEARN North Carolina (the Learners' and Educators' Assistance and Resource Network) is a statewide network of educators dedicated to improving K-12 education in North Carolina and using the Internet to promote collaboration within the education community.

Last content review: 19 July 2001
Content managed by: pubs@cs.unc.edu