COMP 121: Data structures

Course syllabus

in Word format


Office hours: Mondays 3:30-4:30; Tuesdays 1:45-2:45

Teaching assistants

Yanlin Hou

Office: Sitterson 034

Office Hours: Tue & Thu 3:30 – 4:30 pm

Huajun Luo

Office: Sitterson 035

Office Hours: Mon 1:00 – 2:00 pm; Wed 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Unix help

TA help: Huajun Luo is familiar with Unix

Prof Kye Hedlund’s crib sheet

Prof Hedlund’s list of some basic Unix commands

Further help, from UNC’s ATN

crib sheet for the debugger gdb


Programming assignments

Assignment 0 – due January 20th



Assignment 1 – due February 14th



Assignment 2 – due March 9th



Assignment 3 – due March 24th



DataSets: One, Two, Three, Four, Five.

(Note: You only need to submit the output files for datasets One and Two; your timing analysis must be for all five data-sets. If your program does not run for some of the larger datasets, then state this in your submission.

Please delete the input and output files after you use them – the larger files take up a lot of space. If your directory cannot accommodate a file, store it – temporarily – in the directory /tmp )

Assignment 4 – due April 24th



Assignment 5 – due May 4th

(This assignment is optional – you do ont have to do it.)






Reading/ practice assignments

Some class handouts

[01/13/2000] Sample C++ program

[01/18/2000] Sample C++ program (separate .h, .cpp, and main programs)

[01/19/2000] Sample C++ program (default and copy constructors, operator=, etc.)

[01/20/2000] Sample C++ program (templates)

[01/20/2000] Sample C++ program (inheritance)

[01/24/2000] Sample C++ program (templates and inheritance)

[02/02/2000] Sample C++ program (friend classes)

[02/14/2000] Sample Exam questions

[02/16/2000] Sample C++ program (stacks)

[03/02/2000] Sample C++ program (binary trees)

[03/21/2000] Sample C++ program (timing issues)

[03/22/2000] Sample C++ program (exceptions)

[03/27/2000] Sample C++ program (container classes)




Some transparencies used in class

01/31/2000 (asymptotic notation-1)

02/01/2000 (asymptotic notation-2)

02/24/2000 (binary trees-1)

02/29/2000 (binary trees-2)

03/28/2000 (AVL trees-1)

04/04/2000 (AVL trees-2)

05/04/2000 (Last-day review)


Rod Howell’s Java implementation of AVL trees

Another implementation (on the Web)