import util.annotations.WebDocuments;

import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;

import bus.uigen.OEFrame;
import bus.uigen.ObjectEditor;
import util.annotations.StructurePattern;
import util.annotations.StructurePatternNames;

 * This class demonstrates several concepts related to graphics.
 * It shows:
 *   A set of properties that can describe a rectangle.
 *   That the set of the same properties can also describe an oval or a line.
 *   That a variation of this set can describe a movable text string.
 *   That a variation of this set can describe a movable image.
 *   That ObjectEditor can use this set (or its variations) together with
 *   an annotation identifying the shape, to display the shape automatically 
 *   in the Java coordinate system.
 * We will take a single class and give it the behavior of different shapes by
 * adding/deleting properties and associated variables, and changing the 
 * commented out annotations below. 
 * Currently, the class is configured to be a plain Bean.  

@WebDocuments({"Lectures/Graphics.pptx", "Lectures/Graphics.pdf", "Videos/Graphics.avi"})
public class AShapeDemo {
     * Making sure we have no magic numbers
    static final int 
            INITIAL_X = 40, 
            INITIAL_Y = 80, 
            INITIAL_WIDTH = 200, 
            INITIAL_HEIGHT = 100
    static final String INITIAL_TEXT = "Hello World", 
            INITIAL_IMAGE_FILE_NAME = "shuttle2.jpg";
     * Not all of these variables will be used in every case
     * upper left corner
    int x = INITIAL_X,
        y = INITIAL_Y; 
    int width = INITIAL_WIDTH, 
        height = INITIAL_HEIGHT; 
    String text = INITIAL_TEXT;
    String imageFileName = INITIAL_IMAGE_FILE_NAME; 
     *  Constructor
    public AShapeDemo () {
         * The following code makes sense later in the praxis- you will come back 
         * to it.
//      Icon icon = new ImageIcon(imageFileName);
//      setHeight(icon.getIconHeight());
//      setWidth(icon.getIconWidth());
//      System.out.println ("Image Height:" + icon.getIconHeight() +
//              " Image width:" + icon.getIconWidth());
     *  As we will soon see, these properties describe a rectangular bounded box   
    public int getX() {return x;} 
    public void setX(int newX) {x = newX;}
    public int getY() { return y; }
    public void setY(int newY) {y = newY;}
     * You will comment the following geters and setters later to make this 
     * into an unscalable image, unscalable text, and a point.
    public int getWidth() {return width;}
    public void setWidth(int newVal) {width = newVal;}
    public int getHeight() {return height;}
    public void setHeight(int newVal) {height = newVal;}
     * You will uncomment these later to make this into an image.
//  public String getImageFileName() {return imageFileName;}  
//  public void setImageFileName(String newVal) {imageFileName = newVal;} 
     * You will uncomment these later to make this into a text box
//  public String getText() {return text;}  
//  public void setText(String newVal) {imageFileName = newVal;} 
    public static void main (String[] args ) {
        OEFrame anOEFrame = ObjectEditor.edit(new AShapeDemo());
        anOEFrame.showTreePanel(); // shows an extra panel, optional call
 * To understand the properties of this class, run the main method.
 * You will see both a "main" panel (on the right) and a "tree" panel (on the left).
 * Use the Common->Tree menu item to hide and show the tree panel.
 * Edit the items in the main panel. 
 * The tree panel view should change.
 * Edit the values following the colon in the tree panel. 
 * To do this, you will need to
 * triple-click on a tree item to make it editable.
 *  Here is the documentation of JTree:
 * "Editing is started on a triple mouse click, or after a click, pause, 
 * click and a delay of 1200 milliseconds."
 * The main panel should change.
 * When you use the BeanPattern annotation, ObjectEdior displays the 
 * properties in the main panel (and possibly tree view if you create 
 * one by placing the relevant call as we are doing in our main method)
 * without interpreting the properties in any way. 
 * The other annotations, currently commented out, 
 * are associated with specific interpretations. 
 * To understand them, you will need to comment out the Bean Pattern 
 * annotation and uncomment one of the other commented annotations, which
 * you will do shortly.
 * (T/F) It is possible to automatically generate user-interfaces that create multiple
 * views of the exported state (e.g. properties)of an object.
 * (T/F) In ObjectEditor, changes to a view of an object can result in other views of it
 * being automatically updated.

 * Replace the current @StructurePattern current annotation with the 
 * @StructurePattern(StructurePatternNames.RECTANGLE_PATTERN)annotation.
 * Run the program.
 * The main panel is no longer displayed now, instead we see a "draw" panel.
 * Stretch the window bigger if you need to.
 * The properties of this class describe the the width and height a rectangle
 * and the X and Y coordinates of the upper left corner of the rectangle.
 * Do these four properties completely represent the rectangle, that is,
 * can they be used to draw the complete rectangle?
 * What combination of properties are sufficient to draw a rectangle?
 * For these questions you will need to think.
 * (T/F) A rectangle can be completely represented by the coordinates
 * of its upper-left corner.
 * (T/F) A rectangle can be completely represented by its width and  height.
 * (T/F) A rectangle can be completely represented by  the coordinates
 * of its upper-left corner and its width and  height.
 * (T/F) A rectangle can be completely represented by  the 
 * coordinates of its upper-left and lower-right corners.
 * (T/F) A rectangle can be completely represented by  the 
 * coordinates of its upper-left and lower-left corners.  
 * Try to understand the graphics coordinate system by editing the
 * X and Y properties in the tree window (if editing it is a pain, 
 * just change the named constants in this program).
 * In a computer coordinate system, the origin is:
 *  (a) The lower-left corner of the screen.
 *  (b) The upper-left corner of the screen.
 *  (c) The lower-left corner of the window being used for a graphics
 *      operation.
 *  (d) The upper-left corner of the window being used for a graphics
 *          operation.
 * In a computer coordinate system, x coordinates increase
 *  (a) left to right
 *  (b) right to left.
 * In a computer coordinate system, y coordinates increase
 *  (a) top to bottom.
 *  (b) bottom to top.  
 * Why the difference between Mathematical and Computer coordinate system? 
 * Shapes are drawn using graphics operations targeting some window.
 * Early computer monitors drew pixels (points in coordinate system) in the order in
 * which they will be read by the user.   
 * The directions in which the x and y coordinates increase 
 * in a computer coordinate system are based on:
 *   (a) the Mathematical Cartesian Plane
 *   (b) how one reads text in the English language (left to right, top to bottom).
 * Replace the current @StructurePattern current annotation with the 
 * @StructurePattern(StructurePatternNames.LINE_PATTERN)annotation
 * and run the program and view the draw panel.
 * Now replace the current @StructurePattern current annotation with the 
 * @StructurePattern(StructurePatternNames.LINE_PATTERN)annotation
 * and run the program again and view the shape displayed.  
 * (T/F) An oval can be completely represented by its rectangular bounding box.
 * (T/F) A line can be completely represented by its rectangular bounding box.
 * (T/F) The same set of properties can be used to completely represent a rectangle,
 * oval and line.
 * Replace the current @StructurePattern current annotation with the 
 * @StructurePattern(StructurePatternNames.IMAGE_PATTERN) annotation
 * and run the program and view the console and OE user-interface.
 * Uncomment the code defining the ImageFileName property, and run the
 * program again and view the console and OE user-interfaces.
 * (T/F) The same set of properties can be used to completely represent a
 * rectangle and image.
 * Change the Width and Height properties in the tree panel. Observe 
 * what happens in the other panel.
 * (T/F) With ObjectEditor, it is possible to automatically scale an image by changing 
 * the size of its bounding box.
 * (T/F) In Java, it is possible to get the unscaled values of the height and
 * width of an image stored in an image file.  
 * The image should look ugly as it has been scaled up or down to the
 * bounding box defined by the height and width properties.
 * It is possible to get the unscaled versions of these values - the
 * code is given in the constructor. Uncomment this code and run the program.
 * This sets the height and width to their unscaled values.
 * Let's try it a different way. Comment out the constructor code again. Now 
 * comment out the getters and setters for height and width and run the
 * program.
 * We are now using the unscaled versions of the height and width.
 * (T/F) A (positionable) unscalable image can be completely represented by 
 * an image file name and  the coordinates of the upper-left 
 * corner of its bounding box.
 * (T/F) A (positionable) scalable image can be completel represented by an
 * image file name, the coordinates of the upper-left corner 
 * of its bounding box, and the height and width of the box.
 * At this point, we have three properties, X, Y and ImageFileName (because
 * you commented out the height and width at the end of the last section).
 * Comment of the getter and setter for the ImageFileName property.
 * Uncomment the getter and setter for the Text property.
 * Replace the current @StructurePattern current annotation with the 
 * @StructurePattern(StructurePatternNames.STRING_PATTERN)annotation
 * and run the program and view the draw panel.
 * (T/F) A (positionable) unscalable text string can be represented by 
 * a string and  the coordinates of the  upper-left  corner of its bounding box.
 * Now comment the getter and setter for the TEXT property.
 * Now we have only two properties: X and Y.
 * Replace the current @StructurePattern current annotation with the 
 * @StructurePattern(StructurePatternNames.POINT_PATTERN)annotation
 * and run the program and view the draw panel.
 * (T/F) ObjectEditor can graphically display an object with only X and Y
 * properties.
 * Do you see any error messages/warnings in the console?
 * (T/F) StructurePattern annotations can tell a tool how to interpret the
 * properties of an object.
 * (T/F) StructurePattern annotations can be used to create the properties of 
 * an object, that is, the getters and setters of the properties.
 * (T/F) StructurePattern annotations can be used to identify missing 
 * properties.  
 * Replace the current @StructurePattern current annotation with the 
 * @StructurePattern(StructurePatternNames.LINE_PATTERN)annotation
 * and run the program and view the draw panel and console.
 * Do you see any error messages/warnings in the console?
 * (T/F) StructurePattern annotations can tell a tool how to interpret the
 * properties of an object.
 * (T/F) StructurePattern annotations can be used to create the properties
 * of an object, that is, fill in missing getters.
 * (T/F) StructurePattern annotations can be used to identify missing 
 * properties.  
  * OE Rules
  * If an object should be displayed by ObjectEditor as a point, its class should have
  * the corresponding StructurePattern annotation and the following properties:
  * a) X
  * b) Y
  * c) Width
  * d) Height
  * e) Text
  * f) ImageFileName 
  * If an object should be displayed by ObjectEditor as a line/rectangle/oval, 
  * its class should have the corresponding StructurePattern annotation and the 
  * following properties:
  * a) X
  * b) Y
  * c) Width
  * d) Height
  * e) Text
  * f) ImageFileName 
  * If an object should be displayed by ObjectEditor as unscalable, positionable string, 
  * its class should have the corresponding StructurePattern annotation and the 
  * following properties:
  * a) X
  * b) Y
  * c) Width
  * d) Height
  * e) Text
  * f) ImageFileName
  * If an object should be displayed by ObjectEditor as an unscalable image, 
  * its class should have the corresponding StructurePattern annotation and the 
  * following properties:
  * a) X
  * b) Y
  * c) Width
  * d) Height
  * e) Text
  * f) ImageFileName
  * If an object should be displayed by ObjectEditor as a scalable image, 
  * its class should have the corresponding StructurePattern annotation and the 
  * following properties:
  * a) X
  * b) Y
  * c) Width
  * d) Height
  * e) Text
  * f) ImageFileName
