package lectures.parsing_grammars;
import util.annotations.WebDocuments;

import lectures.inheritance.abstract_classes.ACourseDisplayer;
import lectures.inheritance.abstract_classes.ACourseDisplayer2;
import lectures.inheritance.abstract_classes.CourseDisplayer;

// Here is an example legal interaction - the prompts are
// the output, the other lines are input.
//Please enter course info, terminating with a period:
//Intro. Prog.
//Random Thoughts
//Please enter course title:
//Random Thoughts
//Random Thoughts   COMP6
//Please enter course title:
//Meaning of Life
//Sorry, this course is not offered.
//Please enter course title:

// Do you see the pattern for inputting freshman seminars and course numbers?
// Can you describe in English this pattern?
// Each sequence of legal input lines is called a sentence. These are not
// necessarily legal English sentences, they are simply sentences described
// by out pattern for input.

// Such a pattern can be described formally by the following grammar:
//<CourseList> -> <Course> *. 
//<Course> -> <RC> | <FS>
//<RC> -> RC <Title> <Dept> <Number>
//<FS> -> FS <Title> <Dept>
//<Title> -> String
//<Dept> -> String
//<Number> -> Integer

// The grammar consists of a series of production rules which define or derive legal sentences.
// This grammar says that the input lines consist of a <CourseList>
// A <CourseList>, in turn consists of or derives an unlimited number of <Course> input lines followed by a period.
// * stands for repetition.
// A <Course> can either be a <RC> (regular course) or <FS> (Freshman seminar)
// | stands for alternation.
// An <RC> is followed by the the literal "RC" followed by a <Title> <Dept> <Number>
// <Title> and <Dept> are string values. <Number> is an arbitrary integer.
// A terminal or literal does not appear on the left hand side (LHS) of a production and thus
// does not need elaboration. (We know what strings and integers are). It is not enclosed in angle brackets.
// A non terminal must appear on the LHS of at least one production and can appear in the right
// hand side also. It is enclosed in angle brackets. The root non terminal appears only on the LHS.

// A grammar provides us with a structured way to write a parser.
// A parser *usually* converts scanned tokens in a legal sentence into
// into a form called the parse tree, which can the be further processed by the program.
// In this program, we are trying to convert the input into a course list, which is the tree that
// will be processed. Each token is assumed to appear on a separate line to make our scanning easy.

// This structured way is called recursive descent parsing in which a separate
// parsing method is created for each non terminal that can recursively
// call parsing methods for non terminals defining or deriving smaller parts of the sentence.

@WebDocuments({"Lectures/ParsingGrammars.pptx", "Lectures/ParsingGrammars.pdf", "Videos/ParsingGrammars.avi"})
public class AParsingCourseDisplayer extends ACourseDisplayer2 {

    public void fillCourses() {
        System.out.println("Please enter course info, terminating with a period:");
        // Put a break point below and use F5 to step into parseCourseList
        // which is parser for the root non terminal, CourseList. 
        courses = (new ACourseParser()).parseCourseList();
    protected static CourseDisplayer createCourseDisplayer() {
        return new AParsingCourseDisplayer();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CourseDisplayer aCourseDisplayer = createCourseDisplayer();
