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F. Donelson (Don) Smith

Research Professor

Contact Information

Department of Computer Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB #3175, Sitterson Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175

 (919) 962-1884 (Voice)
(919) 962-1799 (Fax)

 To send me e-mail, click here:

 Secretary: Anna Snyder
(919) 962-1851 (Voice) (e-mail)

My official CS department biography is here.

My (somewhat) current CV is here.

My research is a collaboration with:

Selected Publications

Abstracts and full text of papers can be found here.

J. Terrell, K. Jeffay, F. D. Smith, J. Gogan, J. Keller,  “Passive Streaming Inference of TCP Connection Structure for Network Server Management”, IFIP 1st International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 5537, pp. 42-53, May 2009.

J. Terrell, K. Jeffay, F. D. Smith, J. Gogan, J. Keller, “Exposing Server Performance to Network Managers Through Passive Network Measurements”,  IEEE Internet Network Management Workshop, October 2008.

L. Zhang, Z. Zhu, K. Jeffay, J. S. Marron, and F. D. Smith, “Multi-Resolution Anomaly Detection for the Internet”, IEEE Workshop on Automated Network Management, April 2008.

L. Le, J, Aikat, K. Jeffay, and F.D. Smith, “The Effects of Active Queue Management and Explicit Congestion Notification on Web Performance”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol 15, No. 6, December 2007, pp 1217-1230.

S. Rewaskar, J. Kaur, and F.D. Smith, “A Performance Study of Loss Detection/Recovery in Real-world TCP Implementations”, Proceedings of  IEEE ICNP 2007, October 2007, pp. 256-265.

F. Hernández-Campos, K. Jeffay, F. D. Smith, “Modeling and Generating TCP Application Workloads” (invited paper) Proceedings of IEEE Broadnets 2007, September 2007.

M.C. Weigle, K. Jeffay, and F.D. Smith, “Quantifying the Effects of Recent Protocol Improvements to TCP: Impact on Web Performance”, Computer Communications, Vol 29, No 15, September 2006, pp. 2853-2866.

S. Rewaskar, J. Kaur, and F.D. Smith, “A passive state-machine approach for accurate analysis of TCP out-of-sequence segments”, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 36, No. 3, July 2006, pp. 51-64.

M. C. Weigle, P. Adurthi, F. Hernández-Campos, K. Jeffay, F. D. Smith, “Tmix: a tool for generating realistic TCP application workloads in ns-2”,  ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 36, No. 3, July 2006, pp. 65-76.

L. Le, K. Jeffay, and F.D. Smith, “A Loss and Queuing-Delay Controller for Router Buffer Management”, Proceedings of IEEE ICDCS 2006, July 2006.

F. Hernández-Campos, A. B. Nobel, F. D. Smith, and K. Jeffay, “Understanding Patterns of TCP Connection Usage with Statistical Clustering”, Proceedings of MASCOTS 2005, October 2005, pp. 35-44

C. Park, F. Hernández-Campos, J. S. Marron, and F.D. Smith, “Long-Range Dependence in a Changing Internet Traffic Mix,” Computer Networks, Vol. 48, No. 3, June 2005, pp. 401-422

M. C. Weigle, K. Jeffay, and F.D. Smith, “Delay-Based Early Congestion Detection and Adaptation: Impact on Web Performance,” Computer Communications, Vol. 28, No. 8, May 2005, pp. 837-850

L. Le, J, Aikat, K. Jeffay, and F.D. Smith, “Differential Congestion Notification: Taming the Elephants,” Proceedings of IEEE ICNP, October 2004, pp. 118-128.

J. Cao, W.S. Cleveland, Y. Gao, K. Jeffay, F.D. Smith, and M.C. Weigle, “Stochastic Models for Generating Synthetic HTTP Source Traffic,” Proceedings of INFOCOM 2004, pp. 1546-1557

A. Budhiraja, F. Hernández-Campos, V.G. Kulkarni, and F. D. Smith, “ Stochastic Differential Equation for TCP Window Size: Analysis and Experimental Validation”, Probability in the  Engineering and Informational Sciences, vol. 18, no. 1, January 2004, pp. 111-140.

J. S. Marron, F. Hernandez-Campos, and F.D. Smith, “A SiZer Analysis of IP Flow Start Times”, in Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, Volume 44, J. Rojo and V. Perez-Abreu (Eds), 2004, pp. 87-105.

Jan Hannig, J.S. Marron, Gennady Samorodnitsky and F.D. Smith, “Log-Normal Durations Can Give Long Range Dependence”, in Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, Volume 42, M. Moore, S. Froda and C. L´eger, (Eds), 2004, pp. 333-345.

J. Aikat, J. Kaur, F. D. Smith, and K.Jeffay, “Variability in TCP Round-trip Times,'' in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference, Miami, FL, October 2003, pp. 279-284.

F. Hernández-Campos, Kevin Jeffay and F. D. Smith, “Tracking the Evolution of Web Traffic: 1995-2003”, Proceedings of ACM/IEEE MASCOTS 2003, October 2003, pp 16-25.

M.C. Weigle, K. Jeffay, and F.D. Smith, “Quantifying the Effects of Recent Protocol Improvements to TCP: Impact on Web Performance”, Computer Communications, September 2006, Vol 29, No 15, pp. 2853-2866.  An earlier version appeared as   “Quantifying the Effects of Recent Protocol Improvements to Standards-Track TCP”, Proceedings of ACM/IEEE MASCOTS 2003, October 2003, pp 226-229.

L. Le, J, Aikat, K. Jeffay, and F.D. Smith, “The Effects of Active Queue Management on Web Performance”, Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2003, pp. 265-276.

F. Hernández-Campos, A. B. Nobel, F. D. Smith, and K. Jeffay, “ Statistical Clustering of Internet Communication Patterns”, Proceedings of the 35th Symposium on the Interface of Computing Science and Statistics, Computing Science and Statistics, Vol. 35, July 2003.

F. Hernández-Campos, J. S. Marron, G. Samorodnitsky and F. D. Smith, “Variable Heavy-Tail Durations in Internet Traffic, Part II: Theoretical Implications”, Proceedings of the 40th Allerton Conference on Commuciations, Control and Computing, October, 2002.

F. Hernández-Campos, J. S. Marron, G. Samorodnitsky and F. D. Smith, “Variable Heavy-Tails in Internet Traffic’, Performance Evaluation, vol. 58, no.2-3, November 2004, pp. 261-284.  An earlier version appeared as “Variable Heavy-Tail Durations in Internet Traffic, Part I: Understanding Heavy Tails”, Proceedings of ACM/IEEE MASCOTS 2002, October, 2002, pp 43-52.

J. S. Marron, F. Hernández-Campos, and F. D. Smith,  “Mice and Elephants Visualization of Network Traffic”, Proceedings of 15th Conference on Computational Statistics, August, 2002.

F.D. Smith, F. Hernandez, K. Jeffay, and D. Ott, “What TCP/IP Protocol Headers Can Tell Us About the Web”, Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS 2001/Performance 2001, Cambridge, MA, June 2001, pp. 245-256.

M. Christiansen, K. Jeffay, D. Ott, and F.D. Smith, “Tuning RED for Web Traffic,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 9, No. 3, June 2001, pp. 249-264.  An abbreviated version appeared in Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2000, August 2000, pp. 139-150.

M. Parris, K. Jeffay, and F.D. Smith, "Lightweight Active Router-Queue Management for Multimedia Networking," Proceedings, Multimedia Computing and Networking 1999, SPIE Proceedings Series, Volume 3654, San Jose, CA, January 1999, pp. 162-174.

K. Jeffay, F.D. Smith, A. Moorthy, and J.H. Anderson, Proportional Share Scheduling of Operating System Services for Real-Time Applications, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Madrid, Spain, December 1998, pp. 480-491.

M. Parris, K. Jeffay, F.D. Smith, and J. Borgersen, "A Better-Than-Best-Effort Service for Continuous Media UDP Flows," Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, Cambridge, UK, July 1998, pp. 193-197.

K. Jeffay, M. Parris, F.D. Smith, and T.M. Talley, "A Router-Based Congestion Control Scheme For Real-Time Continuous Media," Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, Zushi, Japan, April 1996..

K. Jeffay, D.L. Stone, and F.D. Smith, "Transport and Display Mechanisms for Multimedia Conferencing Across Packet-Switched Networks," Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 26, No. 10 (July 1994), pp. 1281-1304. Also republished in B. Furht and M. Milenkovic (Eds), A Guided Tour of Multimedia Systems and Applications, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1995, pp. 439-461.

D. Stotts, J.B. Smith, P. Dewan, K. Jeffay, F.D. Smith, D. Smith, S. Weiss, J. Coggins, and W. Oliver, "A Patterned Injury Digital Library for Collaborative Forensic Medicine," Proceedings of Digital Libraries'94, The First Annual Conference on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, College Station, TX, June 1994.

Shackelford, D., J. B. Smith, and F. D. Smith. "The Architecture and Implementation of a Distributed Hypermedia Storage System," Proc. ACM Hypertext '93, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 1993, 1-14.  Republished in G.M. Olson, T.W. Malone, and J.B. Smith (Eds), Coordination Theory and Collaboration Technology, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, Mahwah, NJ, 2001, pp. 391-408.

Jeffay, K., J. K. Lin, J. Menges, F. D. Smith, and J. B. Smith. "Architecture of the Artifact Based Collaboration System Matrix," Proc. CSCW '92, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Toronto, Canada, Nov. 1992, 195-202.

Jeffay K., D. L. Stone, T. Talley and F. D. Smith. "Adaptive, Best-Effort Delivery of Audio and Video Data Across Packet-Switched Networks," in Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video Proceedings, V. Rangan, ed. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 712, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993, 3-14,

Jeffay, K., D. L. Stone, T. Talley, and F. D. Smith. "Network Support for Video Teleconferencing Across Local-Area Networks," Proc. IEEE/ACM Third International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video, San Diego, Calif., Nov. 1992, 1-6.

Smith, J., and F. D. Smith. "ABC: A Hypermedia System for Artifact-Based Collaboration." Proceedings of Hypertext '91, San Antonio, Texas, Dec. 1991.

Jeffay, K., D. L. Stone, and F. D. Smith. "Kernel Support for Live Digital Audio and Video," Proc. Second International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, Springer-Verlag, Nov. 1991. Also reprinted in Computer Communications, July 1992, 16(6), 388-395.

Jeffay, K., and F. D. Smith. "System Design for Workstation-Based Conferencing with Digital Audio and Video,'' Proc. TriComm '91: IEEE Conference on Communications Software, Chapel Hill, N.C., April, 1991, 169-177.

Jeffay, K. and F. D. Smith. "Designing a Workstation-Based Conferencing System Using the Real-Time Producer/Consumer Paradigm," Proc. First International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, Berkeley, Calif., Nov. 1990.

Morris, J., M. Satyanarayanan, M. H. Conner, J. H. Howard, D.S.H. Rosenthal, and F. D. Smith. "Andrew: A Distributed Personal Computing Environment," Communications of the ACM, 29(3) March 1986, 184-201.

Smith, F. D. and C. H. West. "Technologies for Network Architecture and Implementation," IBM Journal of Research and Development, 27(1) Jan. 1983, 68-78.

Smith, F. D., and C. H. West. "Architecture Validation and Implementation Testing," Proc. IEEE Conference on Large Scale Systems, 1982.

Pozefsky, D. P. and F. D. Smith. "A Meta-Implementation for Systems Network Architecture," IEEE Transactions on Communications, COM-30(6) June, 1982, 1348-1355.

Pozefsky, D. P. and F. D. Smith. "The SNA Meta-Implementation: Language and Applications," ICC '81 International Conference on Communications, June 1981, 1, 9.2.1-9.2.5.

Smith, F. and J. Wilder. IBM 8100 Information System Principles of Operation, IBM Corporation publication GA23-0031, April 1979.

Rose, D. and F. Smith. "Real-Time Event Tracing System," IBM Corporation Technical Disclosure Bulletin, 17(5), Oct. 1974.

U.S. Patents

F. Hernández-Campos, K. Jeffay, F.D. Smith, A. Nobel, “Methods, Systems, and Computer Program Products for Modeling and Simulating Application-Level Traffic Characteristics in a Network Based on Transport and Network Layer Header Information”, US 74447209, November 4, 2008.

V.P. Kompella, J.P. Gray, F.D. Smith, and K. Jeffay, “User Controlled Adaptive Flow Control for Packet Networks,” US5892754, April 6, 1999.


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