package lectures.state_properties;
import util.annotations.WebDocuments;

import util.annotations.EditablePropertyNames;
import util.annotations.PropertyNames;
import util.annotations.StructurePattern;
import util.annotations.StructurePatternNames;
import bus.uigen.ObjectEditor;
//@PropertyNames({ "Weight", "Height", "BMI"})
@PropertyNames({ "Height"})
//@EditablePropertyNames({"Height", "Weight"})

@WebDocuments({"Lectures/StateProperties.pptx", "Lectures/StateProperties.pdf", "Videos/StateProperties.avi"})
public class ABMISpreadsheetNotFollowingBeanConventions  {
    double height ;
    double weight;
    public double getWeight() {
        return weight;
    // setter with wrong name and multiple args
    public void set(double newWeight, double newHeight) {
        weight = newWeight;
        height = newHeight;
    public double getHeight() {
        return height;
    // setter with wrong arg type
    public void setHeight(int newHeight) {
        height = newHeight;
    // need get
    public double BMI() {
        return weight/(height*height);
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        ObjectEditor.edit(new ABMISpreadsheetNotFollowingBeanConventions() );