Archive for October, 2008

Discuss “Sound and Fury”

Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

Let’s have a polite and intelligent discussion of the controversial video we watched today. I can tell from the groans while we watched it that many of have difficulty relating to the positions of some of the people in the video. Let’s discuss that. Can you think of a way to relate to their feelings?

Those of you who missed class today, must watch it to participate in the discussion. The UG library has 2 copies, linked here .

Postings are due before class on Tuesday.

How difficult can this be?

Thursday, October 9th, 2008

Let’s discuss the video we watched today. Did you recognize any of the kids from your classes? Did you empathize with any of the participants? How would some of those exercises have made you feel? Share your thoughts.

Project Ideas and Assignment

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008

I’m certainly open to other ideas for projects but here are a few to get you started:

  • Choose your own adventure type books. Expand our conventional books on Tar Heel Reader into switch-accessible books with decision points. You, of course, would not be expected to write any software. Rather, make an example using PowerPoint or other tools. Propose a way to make authoring such books easy using web technology like we do in the wizard on Tar Heel Reader. Could we produce a record of choices the reader made to create a record of their adventure? The literature on Interactive Fiction is very applicable to this project.
  • Switch-accessible games. Propose a game that is fun, engaging and accessible to players with a wide range of abilities. It will be great if your game is educational too but that is NOT required. The ideal game would be interesting to typical kids as well. Basing your game on existing non-accessible games is fine. Make a storyboard or other description of your game with sufficient detail to illustrate how game play begins, progresses, and ends. You should be able to demonstrate playing the game using Wizard of Oz simulation .
  • Investigate the application of ideas such as supervisory control to enable switch users to participate in real-time online gaming. This project could lend itself well to a Wizard of Oz simulation with one person playing the part of the switch user making high-level decisions while the other person handles real-time tasks such as running, hiding, and shooting.
  • Investigate ways, including the above, to engage otherwise idle children in learning. It seems to me from my admittedly brief observation in classrooms that kids spend to much time passively waiting on their turn for individual instruction. What could we do with interactive media to reclaim some of that time? What has already been done? This project should include a survey of previous work and brainstorming about what could be done.

By 21 October I want to know:

  1. The members of your team.
  2. The project idea you propose to pursue.

The first draft of your paper and presentation on your project is due 6 November. I’ll get feedback to you by 11 November. You will present your projects in class starting 18 November. Your final report including your paper and presentation is due on 2 December.

Our Books

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008

Books written by our class:
Foods A-Z
Rain Forests
The Beach
Colleges A-Z
What color shirt?
Field Hockey
What needs water?
What can you find in a biology lab?
Dorm Life
My Alarm Clock
Date Night
Can you find it?
Occupational Majors
Water Fun
What do you eat?
Art Museum
The Seven Wonders of the World
The Cookie Bandit
Technology A-Z
How to Make Pizza
Let’s Go Camping
Our First President
Bands A-Z
Lets Play
A Room
Fashion Designers
Friday Night
A day in the life of a college student
Fashion A-Z
Michael Jordan
A is for American Football
2008’s Most Expensive Cars
Highest Earning Movies of all Time
The Bank Robbery
The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962
Justice League America
Disney Princesses
What do you need?
Count Guitars
Jack and Jill
Alphabet Sports
Alphabet Animals
All Around the World
Carolina Basketball
Shark Attack
Making a Band
Ten to Zero
Fruits A-Z
Who do you want to be?
Boys vs. Girls
Wonders of the World

Lunch Tuesday 14 October, after class?

Thursday, October 2nd, 2008

Sign up below.

Lunch on Monday 13 October?

Thursday, October 2nd, 2008

At noon. Sign up here.

Lunch on Wednesday 8 October at noon?

Thursday, October 2nd, 2008

Sign up by commenting.