Ming C. Lin
After twenty wonderful years at UNC Chapel Hill, starting January 2018
I have joined another flagship public institution, the University of Maryland at College Park as
Elizabeth Stevinson Iribe Chair of Computer Science at UMD College Park
John R. & Louise S. Parker Distinguished Professor Emerita
Department of Computer Science
Sitterson Hall, CB#3175
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175
PHO: (919) 590-6074
FAX: (919) 590-6105
ACM Fellow
IEEE Fellow
Eurographics Fellow
John R. & Louise S. Parker Distinguished Professor
Yangtze Scholar Award (Tsinghua University)
IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Technical Achievement Award
Beverly W. Long Distinguished Term Professor
Carolina WOWS Scholar
Carolina Women's Center
Faculty Scholar
Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prize for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement
IBM/UNC Junior Faculty Development Award
Honda Research Initiation Award
- Physically-based Modeling, Simulation and Animation
- Interactive
Collision Detection for Simulated Environments
- Analyzing Liquid Pouring Sequences via Audio-Visual Neural Networks (IEEE IROS 2019)
ADAPS: Autonomous Driving Via Principled Simulations
(IEEE ICRA 2019)
Audio-Material Reconstruction for Virtualized Reality Using a Probabilistic Damping Model
(IEEE VR 2019)
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Redirected Walking with Auditory Distractors for Navigation in Virtual Environments
(IEEE VR 2019)
A Geometrically Consistent Viscous Fluid Solver with Two-way Fluid-solid Coupling
(Eurographics 2019)
Generalized WarpDriver: Unified Collision Avoidance for Multi-Robot Systems in Arbitrarily Complex Environments
(Robotics: Science and Systems 2018)
Physics-Inspired Garment Reconstruction from Single-View Image
ISNN: Impact Sound Neural Network for Audio-Visual Object Classification
(ECCV 2018)
Time-Domain Parallelization for Accelerating Cloth Simulation
(ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation 2018)
City-Scale Traffic Animation Using Statistical Learning and Metamodel-based Simulation Optimization
(SIGGRAPH Asia & ACM TOG 2017)
Citywide Estimation of Traffic Dynamics Via Sparse GPS Traces
(IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 2017)
A Unified Particle System Framework for MultiPhase, Multi-Material Visual Simulations
(SIGGRAPH Asia & ACM TOG 2017)
Learning-based Cloth Material Recovery from Video
(IEEE ICCV 2017)
Pairwise Force SPH Model for Real-time Multi-Interaction Applications
(ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation 2016 & IEEE TVCG 2017)
Glass Half Full: Sound Synthesis for Fluid-Structure Coupling Using Added Mass Operator
(Computer Graphics International & Visual Computer 2017)
WarpDriver: context-aware probabilistic motion prediction for crowd simulation
(SIGGRAPH Asia and ACM TOG 2016)
Classification of Prostate Cancer Grades and T-Stages
based on Tissue Elasticity Using Medical Image Analysis
(MICCAI 2016)
A Multilevel SPH Solver with Unified Solid Boundary Handling
(Pacific Graphics/CGF 2016)
Versatile Interactions at Interfaces for SPH-Based Simulations,
(ACM SIGGRAPH/EG Symposium on Computer Animation 2016)
- A Hybrid Particle-Based Fluid Solver with Interface Handling
(Computer Graphics Forum/PG 2016)
- Bayesian Estimation of Non-Rigid Mechanical Parameters Using Temporal Sequences of Deformation Samples (IEEE ICRA 2016)
- MaterialCloning: Acquiring Elasticity Parameters from Images for Medical Applications
(IEEE TVCG 2015/2016)
- Fast Multiple-fluid Simulation Using Helmholtz Free Energy (ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015)
- Implicit Formulation for SPH-based Viscous Fluids (Eurographics 2015)
- Fast SPH Simulation for Gaseous Fluids (Visual Computer 2015)
- Simultaneous Estimation of Elasticity for
Multiple Deformable Bodies (CASA 2015 - Journal of CAVW 2015)
- A Simple Approach for Bubble Modeling from Multi-Phase Fluid Simulation (Computational Visual Media 2015)
- Multiple-Fluid SPH Simulation Using a Mixture Model
Sound Propagation in Large Complex Environments Using Wave-Ray Coupling
Flow Reconstruction for Data-Driven Traffic Animation
Example-Guided Physically Based Modal Sound Synthesis
Flow Field Modulation (IEEE TVCG 2013, SCA 2013;
Simulation-Based Joint Estimation of Body Deformation and Elasticity Parameters for Medical
Image Analysis (IEEE TMI 2012)
Large-scale Fluid Simulation using Velocity-Vorticity Domain Decomposition
(ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2012; Back Cover Image)
Fast Optimization-Based Elasticity Parameter Estimation Using Reduced Model
(CGI 2012; The Visual Computer)
Interactive Hybrid Simulation of Large-Scale Traffic
Free-Flowing Granular Materials with Two-Way Solid Coupling
(ACM TOG; SIGGRAPH Asia 2010, Back Cover Image)
Precomputed Wave Simulation for Real-Time Sound Propagation
of Dynamic Sources in Complex Scenes
Sounding Liquids: Automatic Sound Synthesis from Fluid Simulation
Continuum Traffic Simulation
(Eurographics 2010)
Synthesizing Contact Sounds Between Textured Objects
(IEEE VR 2010)
Aggregate Dynamics for Dense Crowd Simulation
(ACM TOG; SIGGRAPH Asia 2009, Front Cover Image)
Accelerated Wave-based Acoustics Simulation Using Domain Decomposition (SPM 2008; IEEE TVCG 2010)
Controlling Deformable Models with Dynamic Morph Targets
(I3DG 2009, Back Cover Image)
- Fast Animation of Turbulence
(ACM TOG; SIGGRAPH Asia 2008, Back Cover Image)
- Visual
Simulation of Shockwaves (SCA 2008, Cover Images; Graphical Model 2009)
- Constraint-based Motion
Synthesis for Deformable Models (CASA 2008, Cover Images)
Fluid in Video: Augmenting Real Video with Simulated Fluids
(Eurographics 2008)
Physically-Based Validation of Deformable Medical Image Registration
(MICCAI 2008)
- Soft Articulated
Characters with Fast Contact Handling (Eurographics 2007)
- Feature-Guided
Dynamic Texture Synthesis on Continuous Flows (EGSR 2007)
- Fast Fluid
Simulation Using Residual Distribution Schemes (EGWNP 2007)
- Stable
Advection-Reaction-Diffusion Systems (CASA/CAVW 2007)
- Fast Simulation
of Laplacian Growth (SIGGRAPH SKETCH 2005; IEEE CG&A 2007)
Texturing Fluids (SIGGRAPH SKETCH 2006; IEEE TVCG 2007)
Fast Animation of Lightning Using an Adaptive Mesh (
Cover Image)
A Survey on Hair Modeling: Styling, Simulation, and Rendering (IEEE TVCG 2007)
Strands and Hairs -- Modeling, Animation, and Rendering
(SIGGRAPH 2007 Course; Best Course Notes for a New Course)
Modeling Ice Dynamics As A Thin-Film Stefan Problem
(SCA 2006, Cover Image)
Fast Simulation of Deformable Models in Contact
Using Dynamic Deformation Textures (SCA 2006; SIGGRAPH SKETCH 2006)
- Finite Volume
Flow Simulations in Arbitrary Domains (SCA 2005 Poster; Graphical Models 2006)
Adaptive Dynamics with Efficient Contact Handling (Robotics 2006)
Real-time Physically-based Sound Synthesis (I3DG 2006, Back Cover Image)
Interactive Simuation of Fibrin Fibers (IEEE VR 2006)
- A Simulation-based
Virtual Hair Salon (IEEE VR 2006; Presence 2007
Most Downloaded Paper of the Journal of Jan.'08)
- Adaptive Dynamics of
Articulated Bodies (SIGGRAPH 2005)
- Efficient,
Error-Bounded Approximation for Simulating Quasi-Statics
of Complex Linkages (SPM 2005)
Physically Based Animation and Rendering of Lightning
(Pacific Graphics 2004, Cover Image)
A Versatile, Interactive 3D Brush Model
(Pacific Graphics 2004, Cover Image)
A Hybrid Algorithm for Modeling Ice Formation
(SCA 2004)
IMPaSTo: A Realistic, Interactive Model for Paint
(NPAR 2004)
Modeling Hair Influenced by Water and Styling Products
(CASA 2004)
An Interactive, Stable Viscous Fluid Model
(CASA/CAVW 2004)
- Geometry-Driven
Physical Interaction between Avatars and Virtual Environments
(CASA/CAVW 2004)
Adaptive Grouping and Subdivision for Simulating Hair Dynamics
(Pacific Graphics 2003)
- Simulation of
Ice Crystal Growth (SCA 2003)
- Modeling Hair Using
Level-of-Detail Representations (CASA 2003)
- Simulation Level of Detail
for Automatic Simplification of Particle System Dynamics
(Comp Animation 2001)
- Modeling Flexible and Deformable Bodies using
FFD (Solid Modeling 1999) and
- 3D Polyhedral
Morphing (Computer Animation 1998)
- Multi-scale Dynamics Simulator for Virtual Prototyping
and Scientific Exploration (e.g. nanoSimulator).
- Collision Detection and Proximity Queries
- Planning, Navigation & Behaviors for Virtual Agents, Crowds, and Traffic
- Interactive Sound Rendering
- Real-Time Haptic and Touch-Enabled Interaction
- General-Purpose Computing on GPUs
- Geometric Modeling
- Rendering Techqniues
- Distributed Interactive Simulation
- Model dynamic terrain, environmental effects, buildings and large
geometric models realistically (NPS 1994)
- Invited Tutorials (not including keynotes) for GDC 1999, 2000, 2003; ACM SMA 2002; CASA 2004; ACM VRCIA 2006; IEEE VR 2010.
- Courses for SIGGRAPH (Asia) 1997, 1999-2000, 2002-2010, 2014 (Sample Slides from
2000 and
- Algorithms and Analysis
(Spring 2016); Also offered in Spring 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, and Fall 2009, 2008 2007,
Fall 2005,
Fall 2002,
Fall 2001,
Fall 2000,
Fall 1999,
Spring 1999.
- Everyday Computing Fall 2013; Spring 2011
- Everyday Computing (HONORS) (Fall 2015)
Physically-Based Modeling, Simulation and Animation;
Also offered in
(Fall 2014);
Fall 2012,
Fall 2010,
Spring 2009,
Fall 2007,
Spring 2006,
Spring 2005,
Spring 2004,
Spring 2003,
Spring 2002,
Spring 2000,
Fall 1995.
- Computational Geometry
and Applications (Fall 1998)
- Robotics:
An Introduction (Fall 2006)
- Motion Planning
and Synthesis (Fall 2003 as a guest lecturer and course co-designer)
- IEEE Computer Society Fellows Committee 2018
- IEEE Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award Committee (2017-2020)
- IEEE Computer Society Award Committee 2017
- IEEE VR Workshop on Virtual Humans and Crowds, March 2017, Los Angeles, California.
- Asia Graphics Awards Committee 2016 - Present
- ACM SIGGRAPH Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee (2016-2018)
- Workshop on
Discovery and Innovation in Smart and Pervasive Health, December 2016, Washington D.C.
- Eurographics, May 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
- IEEE VR Workshop on Virtual Humans and Crowds, March 2016, Greenville, South Carolina.
- ACM VRST, November 2015, Peking, China.
- Pacific Graphics,
October 2015, Peking, China.
- IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2015, Seattle, Washington.
- IEEE ICRA Workshop on Challenges in Virtua Reality, May 2015, Seattle, Washington.
- Computational Visual Media Conference, September 2013, Hangzhou, China.
- Pacific Graphics, September 2011, Taiwan.
International Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics,
December 2010, Singapore.
ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology,
November 2010, Hong Kong, China.
CASA Workshop on Crowd Simulation,
June 2010, St. Malo, France.
IEEE ICRA Workshop on Robotics and Intelligent Transportation System,
May 2010, Alaska, USA.
- Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena,
March 2009, Munich, Germany.
- IEEE VR Workshop
on Virtual Cityscapes, March 2008, Reno, NV.
- IEEE Virtual
Reality Conference, March 2008, Reno, NV.
ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology,
November 2007,
Newport Beach, CA.
- IEEE Virtual
Reality Conference, March 2007, Charlotte, NC.
- Workshop on Edge Computing
Using New Commodity Architectures, May 2006, Chapel Hill, NC.
Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, May 2006, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Computer Animation
and Social Agents, October 2005, Hong Kong, China.
- Eurographics 2005,
August-September 2005, Dublin, Ireland.
Course on Haptic Rendering, July-August 2005, Los Angeles, CA.
- ACM Workshop on
General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors,
August 2004, Los Angeles, CA.
Cyberinfrastructure Workshop,
April 2004, Philadelphia, PA.
- IEEE/RSJ IROS Workshop
on Robotics for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, October 2003,
Las Vegas, NV
Symposium on Computer Animation 2003, July 2003, San Diego, CA
- Workshop on Intelligent
Human Augmentation and Virtual Environment, October 2002, Chapel Hill, NC
- Carolina Women in
Computer Science Series, 1999-2004
- ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1999, June 1999, Ann Arbor, MI
- ACM Workshop on Applied Computational Geometry 1996, May 1996, Philadelphia, PA
- Human Performance Modeling Workshop, October 1996, Research Triangle Park, NC
- Advanced Concept Workshop on Basis Functions for Data Representation, Processing and Computation, April 1996, Research Triangle Park, NC
(Excluding 20+ Special Issues on Collections of Best Papers from Chaired Conferences)
For more information, contact
Ming C. Lin,
Copyright 1995-2015.
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