Guides to surviving Computer Science graduate school

The Hitchhiker guides trilogy

Comic relief

The Doctoral Written Exam (DWE) was a high pressure, 3 day long test that determined whether you could enter the Ph.D. program and was also required to receive an M.S. It has been replaced by other examinations at UNC, but I'll always claim the DWE was tougher. :-) Due to the high stakes, stress management and keeping the hallways quiet were important survival techniques, and the following three documents are examples of ones I posted on those subjects just before the exams were given.

The following were April Fools Day postings. Some of the humor is UNC specific but the rest should appeal to anyone going through (or having went through) the rigors of a CS Ph.D. program. BTW, Sitterson Hall is the home of UNC's computer science department.

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* Last revised: Fri Dec. 17 1999