A Document Skimmer

Looking through a soda straw Overcoming the Soda-Straw Effect

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Page Navigation

  • Overview
  • Our Work: Features and Justifications
  • Our Work: Screen Shots
  • User Evaluations
  • Future Work
  • Downloads
  • References
  • Overview

    Hearing text read aloud is slower than reading it visually. The user listens passively, unable to skim for specific information, scan for an overview, or skip ahead as may be desired. Conventional text readers allow no scanning or skimming. They skip always by one line or one page, without allowing the user to specify a different amount. Furthermore, if the user chooses to listen passively and not skip ahead, then the only way the user can finish sooner is to speed up the speech, which makes it less comprehensible after a point. Nearly any method of speeding up reading can make it less comprehensible, but certain methods may be better than others, and different users may have different preferences.

    Our Document Skimmer speeds up reading and allows the user to decide how to make the tradeoff with comprehension. The user can listen actively, skipping by specified distances or scanning by specified detail amounts. He/she can skip words, lines, or segments of specified size, both forward and backwards. He/she can scan by listening to text with less detail, simultaneous speech streams, words with dropped phonemes, or words with blended phonemes.

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    Our Work: Features and Justifications

    Rate and Voice

    Our program allows users to choose among multiple voices to read the text. MSMary seemed to be a favorite of people who used this software. The program also allows users to vary the rate at which text is read.


    The hierarchy allows the user to hear and traverse the document at various levels of detail (LODs). The document is split into segments of size N, and for each segment only the first subsegment of size M is read (M <= N). Before hearing the text, the user specifies the values "segment size" N and "subsegment size" M. The hierarchy is then built. While hearing the text, the user can hit keys to increase or decrease the segment size in increments of N, or to jump forward or backwards in increments of M. These actions are traversing parent-child to more or less detail, and skipping sibling-sibling forwards or backwards in the text.

    For example, the user may use segments of size 6 and subsegments of size 3. He/she may then traverse up the hierarchy to LODs characterized by segments of size 12, 18, 24,..., 6*floor(len(doc)/6). Within each LOD, he/she hears the first 3 words of every segment. He/she and may jump forward or backward by segments of size corresponding to the LOD.

    Hierarchical levels of detail

    Hierarchical levels of detail. Subsegments are size M=3. Segments are size N=6 on the level with the highest level of detail, and they increase in increments of 6 on each subsequent level.

    The hierarchy simulates how people naturally skim visually, by alternately reading and skipping portions of text at will. The Speech Skimmer presents a similar hierarchy, except it processes speech instead of text, and its segments sizes are based on semantics instead of fixed. A speech stream is split into segments at estimated locations of topic change. Subsegments are a fixed number of seconds long.

    Words and Phonemes

    People who research speech, literacy, and reading are trying to understand the processes involved when people read silently. When some people read, they subvocalize, which means they repeat each word they read silently in their head. Some researchers believe this is a common cause (or symptom) of reading disabilities, partly because it decreases reading speed. In addition, some researchers believe subvocalization decreases comprehension because the reader's attention is on individual words instead of the idea the words are creating. Because of this, we thought that hearing each word read aloud may not be a necessary prerequisite to understanding text. Our software experiments with this idea.

    First, our software has a "Remove Common Words" menu option. When chosen, common articles and prepositions are removed from the text. A total of 56 words compose our list of common words. That list can be viewed here.

    Our software also has a "Drop Phonemes" menu option. When chosen, phonemes with no lexical stress are removed from the text. For example, in the word "computing", essentially the first syllable would be dropped.

    Finally, our software has a "Blend Phonemes" menu option. When chosen, the spaces between words which share phonemes are removed. Specifically, if either of the last two phonemes of a word are found in either of the first two phonemes of the next word, the space between the two words is removed. For example, in the phrase "What up", since the "uh" sound is heard in both words, the space between these words would be removed.

    Spatial Sound

    As part of our investigation into how text could be understood more quickly when it is heard, we wanted to learn how text can be understood more quickly as it is seen. We read about a variety of techniques used when people learn how to speed read. In particular, many speed reading exercises teach people to read text as chunks, instead of word-by-word. One exercise asks readers to make a circle out of their index fingers and thumbs and to try to read all of the words in that circle at once. This led us to experiment with the idea of such a circle as text is heard. Specifically, we use spatial sound to allow multiple words to be heard at once.

    In our TextSkimmer the spatial sound was implemented as follows. On the menu bar there is a Spatial Sound menu that consists of two choices, Spatial Sound and Spatial Orientation. If you choose Spatial Sound in this menu a box will pop up asking you for number of sources you would like to have. We decided to support only 1, 2, 3, or 4 sources.

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    Our Work: Screen Shots

    Screen shot of the interface of our program

    Screen shot of the interface of our program, showing all menus

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    User Evaluations

    In order to evaluate our software, we conducted a pilot study, approved by the University of North Carolina's Internal Review Board. You can read the study proposal, the informed consent form, and the parental consent form.

    Four people participated in this study. In addition, three others used our software informally and provided feedback. The protocol, including questions asked as part of this study, can be read here.

    Participants were asked to perform three tasks:

    In Task 1, participants were asked asked questions about some text, and were asked to find answers to these questions by navigating through the text. In general, participants found this difficult to do. Although in some cases the correct answers were located, this generally took more than a minute to do. Some participants skipped forward and backward lines, and often skipped forward and backward words, but the hierarchy was rarely used.

    In Task 2, participants heard a story read. Each section of the story was read in a different way. After each portion of the text was heard, three questions were asked.

    In Task 3, participants heard a story read. Each section of the story was read in a different way. After each portion of the text was heard, three questions were asked.

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    Future Work

    Although our experiments began to answer some questions, it raised even more. For example:

    Clearly, there is plenty more to investigate here!

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    python icon Code for Our Document Skimmer

    Other Downloads

    Since our program is only a prototype we do not support the one link installation process. If you want to download our program and see how it works here are the things you will need to have:

    How To Install and Run Our Software

    1. Download and run the installation programs for everything.
    2. Put the DLLs in Win32, with the others that are already there.
    3. Add to the front of the PATH system variable the path to python.exe, the Python interpreter.
    4. In our software, find docSkimmer.py and run it: Double-click it or enter on the command line "python docSkimmer.py".

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    1. Arons, B., Techniques, Perception, and Applications of Time-Compressed Speech. Proceedings of American Voice I/O Society, 1992: p. 169-177.
    2. Arons, B., SpeechSkimmer: A System for Interactively Skimming Recorded Speech. Proceedings of ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 1993: p. 187-196.
    3. Bauwens, B., et al., Increasing access to information for the print disabled through electronic documents in SGML. ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies, 1994: p. 55-61.
    4. Brewster, S., A. Capriotti, and C. Hall, Using Compound Earcons to Represent Hierarchies. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Letters, 1998.
    5. Brewster, S.A., V.-P. Raty, and A. Kortekangas, Enhancing scanning input with non-speech sounds. ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies, 1996: p. 10-14.
    6. Brewster, S.A., P.C. Wright, and A.D.N. Edwards, An evaluation of earcons for use in auditory human-computer interfaces. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, 1993: p. 222-227.
    7. Buzan, T., Speed Reading. Penguin Group, New York, New York: 1991.
    8. Cutler, W. E., Triple your Reading Speed. Arco, Lawrenceville, NJ: 2002.
    9. Janse, E., Time-Compressing Natural and Synthetic Speech. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2002: p. 1645-1648.
    10. Pitt, I.J. and A.D.N. Edwards, Improving the usability of speech-based interfaces for blind users. ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies, 1996: p. 124-130.
    11. Pontelli, E., et al., A domain specific language framework for non-visual browsing of complex HTML structures. ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies, 2000: p. 180-187.
    12. Prior, S. M. and K. A. Welling, Read in Your Head: A Vygotskian Analysis of the Transition from Oral to Silent Reading. Reading Psychology 2001: vol 22, p. 1-15.
    13. Raman, T.V. and D. Gries, Interactive Audio Documents. ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies, 1994: p. 62-68.
    14. Roy, D.K. and C. Schmandt, NewsComm: A Hand-Held Interface for Interactive Access to Structured Audio. ACM Computer-Human Interfaces (CHI), 1996.
    15. Schnmdt, C. and A. Mullins, AudioStreamer: Exploiting Simultaneity for Listening. Computer-Human Interaction (CHI), 1995.

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