COMP 121: Data structures. Fall 2000

Do your fellow-students a favor – please complete this on-line, entirely student-managed, feedback form

[12/21/2000] The course grades will be submitted to the registrar’s office by Friday (tomorrow), and you should be able to look them up via the WWW from the reigstrar’s homepage. I’m afraid I cannot respond to grade queries by email – thank you for understanding this.

I had a great time teaching this course this semester – hope y’all learned something useful, too. Have a great break!!


Grade distribution thus far

Course syllabus

Instructor’s office hours

TuTh 2:00-3:00

Teaching assistant

Unix help

Programming assignments

(Note: You only need to submit the output files for datasets One and Two; your timing analysis must be for all four data-sets. If your program does not run for some of the larger datasets, then state this in your submission.

Please delete the input and output files after you use them – the larger files take up a lot of space. If your directory cannot accommodate a file, store it – temporarily – in the directory /tmp )

Rules for submitting the remaining programming assignments:

Reading/ practice assignments


Class handouts

Some transparencies used in class



Rod Howell’s Java implementation of binary search trees