
Image-Based Rendering

R. Bastos, K. Hoff, W. Wynn, and A. Lastra, "Increased Photorealism for Interactive Architectural Walkthroughs," To appear in ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics., Atlanta, April 26-28, 1999.

Oliveira Neto, Manuel and Gary Bishop, "Image-Based Objects," To appear in Proceedings of 1999 ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (Atlanta, Ga., April 26-28, 1999).

Matthew M. Rafferty, Daniel G. Aliaga, Voicu Popescu, Anselmo A. Lastra, "Images for Accelerating Architectural Walkthroughs," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, November/December, 1998.

Voicu S. Popescu, Anselmo A. Lastra, Daniel G. Aliaga, Manuel de Oliveira Neto, "Efficient Warping for Architectural Walkthroughs using Layered Depth Images," Proceedings of IEEE Visualization '98, pages 211 - 215, Oct 18-23, 1998.

Aliaga, Daniel, and Anselmo Lastra, "Architectural Walkthroughs Using Portal Textures", Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 97, Phoenix, AZ, October 19-24, 1997, 355-362.

Mark, William R., and Gary Bishop. "Memory Access Patterns of Occlusion-Compatible 3D Image Warping", Proceedings of the 1997 SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware (Los Angeles, California), August 3-4 1997, pp. 35-44.

Rademacher, Paul, and Gary Bishop. "Multiple-Center-of-Projection Images", Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 98.

Rafferty, Matthew, Daniel Aliaga, and Anselmo Lastra, "3D Image Warping in Architectural Walkthroughs", Proceedings of VRAIS 98, 228-233.


Fuchs, H., Goldfeather, J., Hultquist, J., Spach, S., Austin, J., Brooks, F., Eyles, J., and Poulton, J., "Fast Spheres, Shadows, Textures, Transparencies, and Image Enhancements in Pixel-Planes," Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '85 Conference Proceedings), Vol. 19, No. 3, July, 1985, pp 111-120.

Fuchs, H., Poulton, J., Eyles, J., Greer, T., Goldfeather, J., Ellsworth, D., Molnar, S., Turk, G., and Israel, L., "A Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Graphics System Using Processor-Enhanced Memories," Computer Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH '89), Vol. 23, No. 3, pp 79-88.

Poulton, J., "Building Microelectronic Systems in a University Environment," Proc. of the 1991 Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI, (invited presentation) UC-Santa Cruz, March 25-27, 1991, p. 387-400.


Chi, Vern, Trey Greer, and John Poulton, "The PixelFlow System Clock: the specification, design, debug, and development of a synchronous scalable graphics supercomputer clock," IEEE SSCTC97: International Workshop on Clock Distribution Networks -- Design, Synthesis and Analysis (October 9--10 1997, Atlanta, GA).

Chi, Vernon L., "Salphasic Clock Planes -- a novel clock method," Proc. Tau97 (ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Timing Issues in the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems) (Austin, TX, December 4--5, 1997), pp. 129--134.

Eyles, John, Steven Molnar, John Poulton, Trey Greer, Anselmo Lastra, and Nick England, "PixelFlow: The Realization", Proceedings of the Siggraph/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, Los Angeles, CA, August 3-4, 1997, 57-68.

Eyles, John, and Steven Molnar, "PixelFlow Rasterizer Functional Description", Revision 7.0, November 20, 1997.

Keller, Kurtis, "Low Cost, High Performance, High Volume Heatsinks,"IEMT-Europe, 1998.

Keller, Kurtis, "Cast 3D Heatsink Design Advantages", IEEE ITherm '98, Seattle, WA, May 27-30, 1998, p. 112-117.

Keller, Kurtis, "Efficiency and Cost Tradeoffs Between Aluminum and Zinc Die Cast Heatsinks", ASME InterPack (International Electronic Packaging Conference), June 15-19, 1997, p. 1883-1887.

Lastra, Anselmo, Steven Molnar, Marc Olano and Yulan Wang, "Real-Time Programmable Shading", Proc. of the 1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, ACM Siggraph, April 1995.

Molnar, S., J. Eyles, and J. Poulton, "PixelFlow: High-Speed Rendering Using Image Composition," Computer Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH '92), Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 231-240.

Olano, Marc, Anselmo Lastra, and Jon Leech, "Procedural Primitives in a High Performance, Hardware Accelerated, Z-Buffer Renderer", UNC Computer Science Technical Report TR97--040, 1997.

Olano, Marc and Anselmo Lastra, "A Shading Language on Graphics Hardware: The PixelFlow Rendering System", Proceedings of Siggraph 98.

Poulton, J., J. Eyles, and S. Molnar, "Breaking the Frame-Buffer Bottleneck with Logic-Enhanced Memories," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, November 1992, pp. 65-74.

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Last updated 2/26/99 by Jim Mahaney

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