$ Revised: Oct 19 2022 by prins@cs.unc.edu

COMP 790-033 Topics in Parallel Computing

Fall 2022
Wed 2:45 - 5:15PM SN011
Aug 17 - Nov 30
in-person classroom instruction
Instructor: Jan Prins (prins@cs.unc.edu) FB 334 office hours by appt or via zoom

Overview and Syllabus

This is an introductory graduate course on parallel computing. Upon completion, you should

Details can be found in the course Syllabus.


  1. Review PRAM overview for more examples of PRAM algorithms and complexity
  2. Memory hierarchy in shared memory processors
  3. OpenMP-4.5
  4. Memory Consistency Models Tutorial
  5. Hardware view of Synchronization and Consistency
  6. BSP: QandA
  7. Basic Communication Operations
  8. [NEW] Message Passing Interface

Lecture Materials

  1. 01-Intro.pdf
  2. 02-pram1.pdf
  3. 03-smm1.pdf
  4. 04-smm2.pdf
  5. 05-smm3.pdf
  6. 06-ccnuma1.pdf
  7. 07-ccnuma2.pdf
  8. 08-ccnuma3.pdf
  9. Guest lecture on GPU computing by Lars Nyland, Nvidia
  10. 10-bsp1.pdf
  11. 11-bsp2.pdf
  12. [NEW] 12-mpi.pdf

Last update 11/2/2022

This page is maintained by prins@cs.unc.edu. Send mail if you find problems.