COMP 786: Natural Language Processing (Fall 2020)
Instructor: Mohit Bansal
This course will be based on the artificial intelligence, machine learning, and linguistics field of natural language processing (NLP, or computational linguistics), to allow building automatic models that can analyze, understand, and generate text. We will cover important traditional topics of NLP such as tagging, parsing, coreference resolution, sentiment analysis, summarization, question-answering, and translation. We will also cover more recent topics of multimodal, grounded, and embodied semantics (i.e., language with vision and speech, for robotics), language generation and dialogue, and interpretable deep learning, etc.
Topics (tentative)
Grading will (tentatively) consist of:
Students are allowed 3 free late days for assignments over the semester. After that, late assignments will be accepted with a 25\% reduction in value per day late.
Reference Books
Schedule (tentative; slides coming soon)
The professor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus, including project due dates. These changes will be announced as early as possible.