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COMP 524

Programming Languages

Spring 2009

Tu and Th, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm in Fred Brooks Bldg 007

Course Schedule and Materials





1/13Course Info, IntroductionHonor Code in CS
1/15Compilation and InterpretationCh 1 PLP
1/20No class -- winter weather
1/22Lexical Analysis2.0-2.2 PLP, Online MaterialEx1 out, Prog1 out
1/27Syntactic Analysis2.3 & 2.5 PLP, skip 2.3.3
1/29Scripting with PerlOnline Material, skip 5.2-5.5Ex1 in(sol)
2/3Perl; Other Scripting Languages13.1-13.2, 13.4.2 PLPEx2 out
2/5Binding and Storage3.1-3.2 PLP
2/10Scope3.3, 3.4.1(CD), 3.6, 8.1-8.2
(stop after p.413), 13.4.1 PLP
Ex2 in(sol)
2/12Parameter Passing, Generics, Exceptions8.3-8.5 PLP
2/17Expression Evaluation, Review for Exam6.1 PLPProg1 due 12PM
2/19EXAM 1
2/24Functional Programming in ML10.1-10.2 PLP, Online Notes
2/26ML, Functional Programming Concepts6.6, 10.4-10.5 PLP, Online
3/3Data Types (and last bit of ML)7.1-7.3 PLP, 7.2.4 CDProg2 out, Ex 3 out
3/5No class -- Eve Carson Memorial
3/10--- Spring Break ---
3/12--- Spring Break ---
3/17Complex Data Types, Garbage Collection7.4-7.8, 7.10-7.11 PLPEx 3 in (sol)
3/19Control Flow6.2-6.5 PLP, Online ArticleEx 4 out
3/24OO Programming, Review9.1-9.3 PLP
3/26Logic Programming in Prolog (example)11.1-11.2, 11.4-11.5 PLP,
Online Book Ch 1-2
Ex 4 in (sol)
3/31Prolog, Review for ExamOnline Book Ch 3-5, 10, 11.1Prog 2 due 12PM
4/2EXAM 2Prog 3 out
4/7Go over exam, Q and A on Prolog, ML, etc.
4/9More Issues in OO Programming9.4-9.7 PLP,
including CD 9.5 & 9.6.1
Ex 5 out
4/14Concurrency12.1-12.2 PLP
4/16Shared Memory, Synchronization, RPC12.3, 12.4.4 PLPEx 5 in (sol)
4/21Topics in Parallel Programming (examples)Online Materials
4/23Course Evaluation; Review for Final ExamProg 3 due 12 PM