$ Revised: Nov 30 2021 by prins@cs.unc.edu

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COMP 633
Parallel Computing


Fall 2021 (Thu Aug 19 - Tue Nov 30)
TTh 3:30 - 4:45 PM SN011

Instructor: Jan Prins
FB 334, Tel: 919-590-6213
email: prins@cs.unc.edu
Office hours: MW 2-4 PM

TA: Misha Shvets, SN257
email: mshvets@cs.unc.edu
Office hours: TBD

[2D torus]

Overview and Syllabus

This is an introductory graduate course on parallel computing. Upon completion, you should

Details can be found in the course information and syllabus.

@ Announcements

@ Course Materials

(some material local-access only)

Lecture Slides
  1. 01-Intro.pdf
  2. 02-pram1.pdf
  3. 03-pram2.pdf
  4. 04-pram3.pdf
  5. 05-pram4.pdf
  6. 06-smm1.pdf
  7. 07-smm2.pdf
  8. 08-smm3.pdf
  9. 09-smm4.pdf
  10. 10-ccnuma1.pdf
  11. 11-ccnuma2.pdf
  12. 12-ccnuma3.pdf
  13. 13-accel1.pdf
  14. Midterm Review Topics
  15. 14-accel2.pdf
  16. 15-accel3.pdf
  17. 16-bsp1.pdf
  18. 17-bsp2.pdf
  19. 18-bsp3.pdf
  20. 19-mpi1.pdf
  21. 20-netw.pdf
  22. 21-collcomm.pdf
  23. 22-pgas.pdf
  24. 23-bigdata.pdf

@ Reading Assignments

@ Written and Programming Assignments

  1. Written Assignments
  2. Programming Assignments

@ Available Platforms

@ Available Tools

All students in COMP 633 can login on phaedra.cs.unc.edu using their onyen.





@ Bibliography

This list may evolve throughout the semester. Specific reading assignments are listed above.
  1. PRAM Algorithms, S. Chatterjee, J. Prins, COMP 633 course notes, 2020.
  2. Memory Hierarchy in Cache-Based Systems, R. v.d. Pas, Sun Microsystems, 2003.
  3. OpenMP tutorial, Blaise Barney, LLNL.
  4. Cilk Tutorial, Michael Graf, Andrei Papancea, David Bunde Knox Univ.
  5. Shared Memory Consistency Models: A Tutorial, S. V. Adve, K. Gharachorloo, DEC Western Research Labs Report 95/7, 1995.
  6. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach 2nd ed, D. Patterson, J. Hennessy, Morgan-Kaufmann 1996.
  7. Fast N-Body Simulation with CUDA, L. Nyland, M. Harris, J. Prins, GPUGems 3, 2008.
  8. Questions and Answers about BSP, D. Skillicorn, J. Hill, and W. McColl, Scientific Programming 6, 1997.
  9. Message Passing Interface, Blaise Barney, LLNL 2015
  10. Introduction to Parallel Computing: Design and Analysis of Algorithms - Chapter 3, V. Kumar, A. Grama, A. Gupta, G. Karypis, Benjamin-Cummings, 1994.

This page is maintained by prins@cs.unc.edu. Send mail if you find problems.